chapter 031

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They were sitting together, everyone was quiet and no one was talking. Aiden glanced over at Vladimir, who sat between him and his mother.

He was busy playing with his fingers, trembling and worrying sick for Misha which is understandable. Aiden slowly reached his hand and gently grabbed Vladimir's tightly clenched fist. Vladimir blinked and held his hand back and pulled Aiden's hand closer to his forehead, holding it against his sweaty and warm skin.

"You're hot", Aiden whispered. Vladimir chuckled and kissed the back of his hand, then licked his dry lips.

"Don't be naughty in a hospital", Aiden rolled his eyes and had a smile on his face.

"Kids stop talking nonsense"

Aiden closed his eyes in emmbarassment, scratching the side of his forehead and looking away. Meanwhile Vladimir cleared his throat and lowered his head.

In the corner of Aiden's eyes, he spotted three policemen walking across the hallway and had their eyes fixed on them. His eyebrows brushed against each other and he got up, surprising and confusing his mother and Vladimir.

They stopped in front of them, which made his mother cover her mouth and Vladimir to sigh and slowly stand up to confront them.

"Aren't you Vladimir Petrov?", the policeman questioned Vladimir.

Even tho Vladimir wanted to reply with the truth, Aiden stepped in front of him with a serious expression and covered him with his tiny body.

"No, he isn't responsible for anything. Nothing bad has been done Officer", Aiden lied but it was too late. As the policemen knew exactly who is the man standing right in front of them.

"Sorry kid, but you can't fool the police. We know exactly who this man is and know exactly what he has done to Mr.Smith"

Aiden was about to continue with the worst lies, so Vladimir grabbed his shoulder and gently pushed him aside towards his mother which made Aiden widen his eyes and be held back by his mother, who wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly and trying not to cry. Vlad stepped forward and raised his wrists up, looking calm.

"I'm not going to do anything. I will take full responsibility for my actions back when I used to for that scumbag", the policemen gave each other a look then nodded, took out their handcuffs and locked his wrists together.

"These people didn't do anything. Just take me, isn't that all the police wants anyways?", Vladimir spoke while staring at Aiden and his mother.

"You're the only bastard we want Petrov", a familiar man walked towards them whom Aiden's mother recognized and gasped. He stopped right next to his men, pulled his gun and casually pointed it against Vladimir's forehead.

"How does it feel, ha you filthy criminal?"

"Cold", the leader seemed dumbfounded when realising that Vladimir referred the gun against his forehead.

He only sighed, then spotted Aiden and his mother standing right behind Vladimir and shoved Vladimir aside and stepped closer to them with a smile.

"Hopefully he hasn't done anything bad to you guys"

Aiden's mother smiled, kept holding Aiden and reached her hand out to shake his.

"Thank you Mr.Ivanov, you've done so much for my family and it's embarrassing to meet you here out of all the places"

"Not at all. I'm happy you're alright Maria, your safety is one of my most important priorities"

Aiden glared at this man, which Officer.Ivanov could feel and just as he was about to question the kid, Aiden finally broke free from his mother's grip and pushed him away and wrapped his arms around Vladimir tightly which shocked everyone, especially the leader.

"I'm not allowing you to take him! He has saved my mother, myself and got rid of the evil which killed millions! Why would you take a man like him away?!", Aiden shouted in this quiet hospital and his voice kinda echoed through the hallway.

"Why protect a criminal?", Ivanov stepped closer with a serious look and was glaring down at Aiden who seemed to be afraid of him. The officer grabbed Aiden's wrist and harshly pulled him back yet he struggled and once again shouted back as a reply with tears filling his eyes.

"He may have done cruel things in the past but he has now saved me and my mother and many people. My father on the other hand almost had every single one of us killed! Can't you understand?!", this angered the leader, making him grab Aiden by the front and forcing him to look straight into his eyes.

"Repeating yourself and making assumptions that he is a changed man or even if he did save a lot of people, that doesn't change the fact that he used to be the most wanted criminal along with his disgusting boss!", the leader finished his words and when he did, he shoved him forward and Aiden fell backwards on his butt and was looking down with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You're just a kid, who doesn't understand what it means to be around criminals. Anyone can deceive you and play with you Aiden"

The leader walked towards the glaring Vladimir, grabbed his arm and pushed him forward and walked him across the hallway after wishing Aiden's mother a wonderful night.

Immudiately after they disappeard, the doctor sighed as he stepped out of the surgery room and was confronted by Aiden's mother.

"How did it go doctor?", Aiden's mother questioned the surgery and was worried.

He raised his hand up, patted her shoulder and walked pass her and Aiden after saying the sentence that made them widen their eyes and tear up even more.

"The surgery was a success"

To be Continued...

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