chapter 032

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The door slowly opens, which made Misha put down the book he was reading and look up. He spotted Aiden's mother closing the door, turning and smiling as she pulled a chair right next to him and put a bag of fruits on the nightstand.

"How are you feeling Misha?", she asks holding his hand.

"Better then ever. I was also told I can leave, did you hear these news from the doctor?", Misha smiles at her and she wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly and after a little hug she releases him and starts unpacking clothes for him to wear.

"Hopefully these clothes fit you. I bought them thinking I knew your size but I think I have messed the pants up", Misha chuckled then licked his lips.

"How is...Aiden doing?", this question made her freeze which Misha noticed and knew this question was a bad idea. He cleared his throat but before he could change the subject and lighten the mood, she was already out of it.

"Nothing changed for years, can you believe that?", she says almost tearing up. Misha sighed then lowered his head and closed his eyes in stress.

"He probably will never forget that man Misha. My son loves that guy, that will never change. I have tried to make him meet new people, whether it was a man or a woman I didn't care at that point. I just wanted for him to forget this painful...feeling! I truly did. I didn't want to see my son that upset, seems he only has that man behind bars in his heart just...locked", she sighs, lifting her hand up and gently wiping these fresh tears away.

Misha was speechless. He didn't know how to reply back to a frustrated and upset mother, so he decided to stay quiet.

"Sometimes I think if him meeting Vladimir was a good idea, or maybe it is my greatest a mother"

She sighs once again, throws these clothes to Misha and he successfully caught them. He could tell she faked a smile, put the bag aside and was peeling an apple for him and preparing a fruit salad for him.

He blinked and clenched his fist.

What she spoke is the truth. But at the same time, it's understandable. Love is love, it cannot be changed if it is indeed true love. Aiden just loved Vladimir to the point where his refused to accept anyone else other then that man.

When they say love can change someone completely, they weren't kidding.


The taxi stopped and the two of them stepped out. They walked next to each other, mother unlocked the door and they stepped inside. Misha put his bag on the table in the living room and sighed.

"What would you like to eat?", she asks Misha rolling up her sleeves with a smile.

Misha smiled back and shaked both sides.

"Anything is fine"

After she nodded and walked into the kitchen is when Misha started to remember the man who used to be his boss and...friend. He sometimes used to cook for him too.

That man saved his life. And he couldn't thank him.

If only Misha could thank him...for not giving up on him and being a great boss.

He closed his eyes, clenched his fists and bit his teeth in frustration and stress.

"Stop worrying about me. I'm back", a familiar voice snapped Misha back to reality. He lifted his head up and widened his eyes as he spotted Vladimir placing a family picture down then slowly turning around with a warm smile.

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