Worship and Wards (Brycetoonz)

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A/N: hi... never really thought I'd be back here haha, but nonetheless here I am! I was going through my docs and cleaning them out when I found something I had been working on almost a year ago now. I thought it deserved better than to collect dust in my Google drive forever.

It was a request that I took some presidence on and I hope you enjoy!


Ever since I was little…’ Bryce thought as he looked down at the crimson tint that bled into his skin, inking his finger tips with that dark color he had held such a disdain for.  Blood—it made him feel nauseous, sending his belly into a flurry of flips and butterflies—although he considered them to be the tingles not of wings, but of crawling spiders, fore It wasn’t excitement he felt… it was fear.

His gaze was piercing, yet wavering with uncertainty, as he looked out the screen of the porch door, eyes lingering on the far edge of his yard where tall trees took root, creating a barrier between what he wished to be reality and what he dreaded.  He knew that what crept in those shadows was just as real as everything else—and that… that scared him.

A hot breeze rolled in through the doorway and Bryce let his eyes slide closed, lips pursing tightly together in a thin line as the summer air caressed his cheeks and ruffled his fair amber bangs. The feeling brought him back to his first time going into those woods.

It was summer- a day much like today- but he was younger then, only ten years old in fact. The trees still seemed so looming and menacing even now that he was fully grown and no longer a pint sized child.

A hand was placed on his shoulder- it was his father- prompting him to walk on despite his hesitancy, “It will be okay,” his father had said to him all those years ago, “I'll be right beside you, no need to worry.”

Bryce, now older, still heeded the words of his dad, taking a heaving breath in as he opened his eyes. He replayed those words in his head every month, knowing that even if his dad was no longer with him, he was still watching over him, protecting him, making sure he carried out the deed and did as he was instructed.

The thin blonde man was lured out of his comforting thoughts by the faint, yet very shrill mechanical beeping that rang out from his wrist watch.

3 pm…

Bryce leaned down and took the thin metal handle into his fist, picking up the heavy galvanized bucket that sat at his feet and pushing his way out of the comfort of his house. The smells and sounds of the outdoors hit him, sun gracing his ashen cheeks, bathing him in warmth. Too bad, he thought, that he wasn't able to fully enjoy the nice atmosphere, seeing as he had a task to complete, one that would ultimately take any fun or enjoyment out of his day.

As Bryce drew near the trailhead that lead into the woods, a lone crow cawed over head, sending a shiver down his spine. Gulping slightly, he composed himself. The crow was not a good sign, but he didn't really have the option to turn back… if he did it would certainly lead to his untimely demise and he wasn't ready for that yet, so he did the only thing he could do- enter the forest.

The trail was dim, but not quite dark like in years past, which came as a comfort, but it wasn't a strong enough comfort to banish the feeling of searing eyes boring holes into him, watching him.

Soon he arrived at the dreaded clearing, the one that he visited every first Sunday of every month for 10 years now.

The electricity in the air was palpable, nearly choking him as his breath stifled and caught in the back of his throat, making him light headed. He tripped and fell to his knees, pain shooting up his legs, but he didn't even flinch- not because he didn't feel it, but because he was horrified. All he could do was watch in terror as the bucket of blood and rabbit meat toppled over, spilling across the forest floor, the dark liquid seeping into the ground.

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