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Olivia knew that right now she needed Elliot, but there was no way in hell that she could get in contact with him. So once she walked up the stairs and away from the situation, she needed to talk to someone. So she decided to go straight to Bernie as she has been lately.

Olivia opened her bedroom door and saw Bernie sitting beside Adalee's bassinet. She was singing softly to the small baby and gently caressing her chubby little cheek.

"Bernie?" Olivia asked as she flicked a few tears from her cheeks. Bernie looked up and frowned when she saw Olivia.

"Honey, whatever she said to you... don't believe her."

"I love my parents, a lot. But I could always tell the difference between me and my siblings. I almost wonder if my parents still think of me as their niece instead of their child. I can remember every time I did something different, I'd get yelled at. And even if they loved me, I am younger than my other siblings. I was a baby and they were all teenagers." Olivia sighed.

"No matter what they have said, or how you felt... you will never feel like that here. This is your home and we will support you no matter what." Bernie spoke.

"Even after Elliot and I ran off?" Olivia asked as she sank down onto the edge of her bed.

"You make my son happy, Olivia. And you gave me this amazing little granddaughter." Bernie smiled. She stood and walked over to Olivia. She sat beside her daughter in law before gently pulling her into a hug.

Olivia didn't cry anymore, but she didn't know what she was going to do with her time now that she was never going to be in contact with her parents, siblings, or Serena.


Adalee ended up taking up every hour of every day. Olivia was thankful for that because it meant she didn't think about what was happening.

The first month went by slowly, and Olivia noticed the changes in Adalee. She noticed that she was starting to stay awake more often, and she loved to watch those who were talking to her. She also developed quite the bond with her grandfather. 

When Olivia nor Bernie could get Adalee to calm down, Joseph could do it. It made Olivia so happy to know that Adalee had great grandparents to love her because she'd never know Melanie and Jason.

One day, while Olivia was home alone with Adalee, an unexpected guest showed up.

"Sweetie, I bet that it's Papa coming home to see you on his lunch break." Olivia cooed, as she carried Adalee to the door. She shifted Adalee into her other arm before opening the door. She stopped when she saw a woman standing there. Olivia had thought that Joseph had just forgotten his keys like Elliot used to do, but instead, there was a real stranger standing there.

"Hey, I'm looking for the Stabler residence. Is this it?" She asked.

"Who are you?" Olivia asked.

"I'm Serena Benson. My daughter told me that some girl stopped by, and I got in contact with my brother and his wife to see if their youngest had come searching for me." Serena spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"Well, I'm assuming the girl stopped by for a reason. But-" Olivia started, but then Adalee started to get fussy.

"Babysitting?" Serena asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"She's my daughter," Olivia replied. She turned and walked into the house, leaving Serena at the open door.

"Would you like me to leave? I need to find my kid and talk to her." Serena breathed.

"Serena, can't you tell?" Olivia asked as she placed the pacifier into Adalee's mouth.

"Can't I tell what?" She asked.

"Can't you tell that I'm your daughter?" Olivia asked, and Serena froze in her spot as her eyes searched the young woman in front of her.

"You look like me... you are beautiful," Serena spoke.

"I'm not what you want or what Jason and Melanie want," Olivia spoke.

"You met Sierra. I bet you are wondering why I adopted her but didn't keep you." Serena sighed.

"It's okay. You don't need to tell me. I need to go change her diaper. Please shut the door when you leave." Olivia spoke, as she went for the stairs.

"And if I decide to stick around?" Serena asked.

"Then I'll make tea and we can talk."


Olivia was nervous when she walked back downstairs. She looked around, and when she thought that Serena had left, she saw her standing by the fireplace as she looked at the pictures on the mantel.

Olivia and Elliot may not have been together for long, but several pictures of them now scattered the mantel.

"You stayed." Olivia breathed, as she walked over to where Serena laid. Olivia turned up the volume on the baby monitor so that she'd be able to hear Adalee if she started to cry.

"It's kinda hard not too now. Olivia, my life was such a mess when you were born. Then even as I tried to take care of you, I never managed to get to a place where I felt like I could really be a good mom."

"You were sixteen," Olivia spoke.

"Sixteen and stupid. I can't believe that  I let myself get pregnant. I should have used some sort of contraception." Serena spoke.

"I ran away from home and got pregnant with Adalee. My husband and I had to come home because we couldn't afford her and rent." Olivia breathed.

"I was a slut in high school. I slept with so many different guys. Then when I found out I was pregnant with you, I hid it before I could run away one night. I got a job and I tried my hardest to convince myself that I could be your mother. But it was hard. I had you and then I went back home. I'm the youngest just like you are, so by the time you were born, Jason and Melanie already had all of their kids and were in a good place. So when I asked them to take you, they were more than willing."

"I thought you tried to kill me," Olivia spoke.

"I tried to kill myself."

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