Belarus #1

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As you know, Belarus is rather creepy and a Yandere.
She is obsessed with her brother and it seems like she only knows the words ,,Marry me" (Vykhodi za menya).

I don't know much about Belarus.
But when I told Hidekaz-san about us I visited every country to be as accurate as I could be.
Romano, for example, was a hard one.
And Belarus as well.

It happens that Russia helped me in a little different way.
Belarus got drunk, broke out crying, and told us (Russia and me) how she is depressed of her brother turning her away.
She said, she wants to protect the best she could by becoming one, she also said that her superior somehow ,,forces" her to stalk Russia, to hunt him 'til they become one.
Then she passed out.
Russia threatened me, to kill me, if I told any of the countrie's about this.

Hidekaz-san thankfully didn't make it too obvious.

Besides, Belarus and I are now pretty good friends, as humans.
It's a difference if we are friends as personifications or as humans.
As humans, we are Natalie and Kiku, not Belarus and Japan.
It's just a little uncomfortable to have Russia in the back, who threatens me to murder me if I disappoint his sister in any way...

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