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Our Charactersongs all are real.
We all.made them.

Prussia's are even Canon.


Yes I said in a song that I want to dye my hair blonde. I didn't mean it serious.

Yes Germany sung about how lonely he is.

Yes Prussia has a song about him being awesome and also a quite normal song about his 'daily life' I guess.

Yes China sung about me and how he will never see me as an enemy but as his little brother...Which actually makes me cry.

Yes, Russia...Russia sung 17 Minutes how lonely and dsperate he is, he sung about Russia (the country) and he sung again about how alone he is and struggling with himself.

Iceland sung with Mr. Puffin about their country...

And Denmark has a song in which he offers everyone help and wants to cheer them up.

This would be...very deep actually.
But since when, Hetalia was innocent?
So many people call it Hentalia.


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