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As I said, Russia's Government is against Lgbtq+.

Every country thinks Russia is straight and homophobic.

So, they don't dare to say anything about it. China is the only one who knows the truth.
Russia is demiromantic and homosexual. He thinks he could fell in love with an other gender if he/she/them have a strong relation to him, but he can't imagine to be with an another Gender then a man in bed.
It's a weird and gross imagination to him.

For China, he does everything he can to make Russia's life better.
Russia asked me very very shy if I could lent him a Yaoi.
He made excuses why he wants it,
but we all know....
You will never able to hide something from me.
I lend him R14 Yaoi.
It would be too much of a shock for him when I lend him R18 Yaoi.

Back to the original story,
He told me that he is in love with China and feel affected to boys, especially Prussia and (of course) China.

Ivan suffers from his country.
And Yao does everything he can, to make his life better.

- Nihon-Teikoku

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