Germanic countries~

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Every Germanic country has some sort of thing with their eyes.

Norway is colorblind and sees as much as a mole on daylight.
Or as Admin without her glasses.
(his smartphone is 10cm away and he cant read the letters without glasses)
He uses his magical friends to orientate himself. As well as his other senses, mainly hearing.

Prussia is nearsighted and wears glasses. Tho he often leaves them at home which make shis sight even worse.

Germany is lightly farsighted, but not that much. He wears glasses to read and write.

Switzerland and Finland both are extremely farsighted. Both of them most of the time dont need an aimpoint thongy on their gun to precisely make a headshot on a far distance.

Liechtenstein is lightly nearsighted, but nothing too bad. She lets away the glasses completely and prefers contact lenses.

Austria is adopted and simply eants to be part of the Family.

England is colourblind and farsightef and in most cases gets help from his magical friends. This is why he is so bad in cooking. He cant see colours and his friends are often confusing.

Denmark is nearsighted.

Sweden is also nearsighted.

Iceland is farsighted.

Admin got lazy in the end....

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