Lithuania #2

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Connecting to the previous chapter, where I said that Lithuania and Prussia still fight.

They hate each other, no question.
But Lithuania was shocked when he heard that Prussia is dissolved.
After all, they respect each other and Prussia was the only one remembering The Grand Duchy Of Lithuania.

After all, they respect each other and Prussia was the only one remembering The Grand Duchy Of Lithuania

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Yes, you can respect AND hate each other.
When you are in war, having Respect of your enemy is a important thing.
It makes you never underestimate him and keep your mind clear.
Puroisen-kun, your part.

And again, you write about Lithuania and me!
Yes, yes I respect him. He defeated me (when I was the Teutonic Knigts). I had a grand army and multiple countries failed in defeating me. So he was damn strong. I also respect Poland for standing with him...I always thought Poland was a coward...
Yea, I respect and hate him. '^^

And Lithuania...

Prussia? Why shouldn't I respect someone who made it so far? Like China always says: ,,Respect your elders." He isn't older than me, I think he even is younger. But he got to be a superpower in Europe, United Germany and he could destroy my Duchy. I know that he has a rough childhood, which even more is reason enough for respecting him.
Not to forget that he survived with Mr. Russia, even though he bullied him in his childhood. He got away without...scars, if you know what I mean...

As you see, they respectively hate each other. Those two are countries who deserves to be remembered.


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