50. Tour Meeting

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Deadass almost threw my laptop across my room because a bug landed on it

ALSO There is an important announcement at the end of this chapter xx It's kind of long but please read it :)



"Let me get this straight," Paul Prenter says. Him, Roger, Freddie, Mary, Brian, Chrissie, John, and Veronica, and I are all sat at a table discussing the world tour as well as the events that unfolded over the past couple of days.  "You're pregnant," he points to Veronica. "And you're engaged," he points to me. 

"Watch the finger," Roger threatens, tightening his grip around my waist. 

Paul rubs his face with both his hands, clearly in distress. I don't know why he's so affected by this. The rest of us - the ones that matter - are giddy beyond belief. Mary, Chrissie, Veronica and I have been wedding and baby planning every night for the past couple nights. While the boys do God knows what, we've been flipping through magazines we bought, ripping out pages that inspire us. 

The whole band was ecstatic about Roger and I getting engaged. I was nervous it would take attention off of Veronica, and Roger admitted he felt the same, but she didn't care at all about that. She was thrilled that we were engaged and we were all fawning over each other. 

My parents were also excited to hear that. Of course they sounded a little concerned, but for the most part they like Roger. James and Jesse congratulated me too, but Jay was nowhere to be heard. James made up some lame excuse that he was out at the library or something like that but it didn't make sense and he knew it. I didn't press it though. I didn't really want to know where he was. 

Roger's parents, however, were more excited than even my own. They wanted to speak to me and congratulate me personally, which I thought was extremely kind of them. I'm thrilled to become a member of the Taylor family soon. 

Madison Taylor has a nice ring to it I think. It's crazy to think we'll have the same last name soon. I can't wrap my mind around it and I don't know if I'll ever come down from this high I'm on. 

Paul sighs heavily, knocking me out of my trance.

"As if this couldn't get more stressful," he mutters. I put a hand on Roger's knee to keep him from saying anything because I know he will. "This isn't going to affect your performance, is it?"

"The only thing affecting our performance is you," Roger says through gritted teeth. Clearly he didn't take my signal to not open his mouth. 

If looks could kill, Roger would have been slain by Paul. 

"I'm sorry that I actually care about the band and your performance!" Paul yells. His eyes are wild and his tone sharp. 

Roger stands up, slamming his hands on the table. 

"If you really cared about us you'd be happy that we're happy," Roger seethes. His eyes flicker over to where Freddie is sat, before returning his gaze back to Paul. "And how come it's such a big deal that Veronica is pregnant and Maddie is engaged? Freddie proposed to Mary ages ago yet you never bothered to fret over that,"

I must admit I'm a little taken back at how Roger is handling himself. This outburst isn't all over the place and rage induced. It's thoughtful and well put together. Even Brian looks impressed.

Paul opens his mouth to say something - anything - but nothing comes out. He just sits there like a blubbering whale. Before things can get already more awkward than they are, the door opens revealing Jim Beach and John Reid. Roger sits down quickly.

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