Chapter One

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My name is Oh Ha Ni. A year ago my life changed forever.

I was a poor average girl with no job and no IQ. Now I am assistant Manager to SM Entertainment and girlfriend to SHINee's Taemin.

My family is not average. It consists of five guys.

The mom: Key

The Dad: Jonghyun

The big brother: Minho

The baby: Onew

My Boyfriend: Taemin

It's a rather unusual family, but it's a united one.

Today is my day off so I'm doing what I usually do when there's nothing else to do. I'm eating ice cream on the couch with Hyo Rin and Megan.

Hyo Rin and I became friends since last month when we met at the music awards. She is also Minho's girlfriend. Not to brag or anything, but I got them together. Its one of the things I'm most proud of in life.

Megan stuffs another ice cream scoop in her mouth while scrolling down her phone.

"What are you doing?" I say and point my spoon at her.

"Reading stories on wattpad, what else?" Hyo Rin answers me.

Megan is my assistant. After I became assistant manager I needed someone to do my old job. Clean the boy's dorm and help in small things. She now lives in my old dorm next door while I live with the boys. She's not very talkative unless she's commenting online. But she's sweet and hard working, and just so happens to be Manager Hyungs niece.

"One day, you both will appreciate my love of literature" Megan says and puts her phone down.

"Thank heavens! The gods have heard my prayers!" Hyo Rin shouts dramatically to the sky as soon as Megan drops her phone.

"You seriously never get off that phone, that's unhealthy child. Your gonna end up having eye problems" Hyo Rin adds.

I laugh to myself and Megan pouts.

"Oh by the way, how do you get your man to put his socks away?" Megan says wide eyed.


"Yeah! Whenever I'm cleaning, I always find his socks in random corners. I think he does it on purpose" Megan say with her eyes squinted.

"Just hide all of his socks in a cabinet. Once he can't find them he'll learn his lesson and not do it again" I say simply.

"Huh! Why didn't I think of that?" She says shaking her head.

"I have the opposite problem. Minho is too organized, did you know he folds his underwear? I mean, who does that?" Hyo Rin says and scoffs.

"Um, I do" I reply

" Me too" Megan says and raises her hand.

"Then you two are freaks too" Hyo Rin pouts.

The front door opens and the boys pour in.

"Ice cream!" Onew shouts and runs to the freezer.

Taemin walks over and kisses me on the cheek. Minho does the same to Hyo Rin.

"I'm jealous" Megan says and stabs at her ice cream.

Jonghyun's ears peep up and he appears by her side in an instant.

"Well then, look no further" he says flirtatiously. Megan faces him and simply glares.

"Get lost Jong" she says and goes back to her phone.

"Whooooo! Rejection! How does it feel jongy?" Key says tauntingly as he passes by. jonghyun hangs his head in defeat and decides to eat ice cream with Onew.

"He's so hopeless" Taemin says to me. He then gets up and extends his hand out to me. I take it and he leads me away from the crowd and into our room. Yes, our room. True, we now sleep on the same bed, however, we've never gone any further. I believe in intimacy after marriage and he respects it.

The door closes and we're finally alone.

I run into his arms and feel the world melt away. He cradles me gently and plants soft kisses upon my hair.

"How have you enjoyed your day off?" As he speaks I can feel the vibration in his chest.

"Good. Just having ice cream with the girls" I reply.

"So....has Megan complained yet?"

I push him away and smack him on the arm. "So you are leaving your socks around on purpose!"

He laughs and pulls me back into him. "Just a little harmless fun. You should hear the fuss she makes every time she sucks one into the vacuum"

"Your so evil" I say, trying to suppress a laugh.

"OK, OK, I won't do it anymore" he says and hugs me tighter.

His grip suddenly loosens and he holds me at arms length.

"What's wrong?" I say, seeing the worry in his face.

"She's making her move" he says. Whenever he's serious his voice drops an octave. That's how I know something's wrong.

"She's getting married to our CEO" Taemin says carefully.

My heart stops and my fists clench.

" When is her wedding?" I say trying to keep my calm. I can feel my palms start to sweat.

"This weekend" he says and puts his hands in his pockets.

I sigh and sit on the corner of the bed. I knew she wouldn't stay hidden for long.

"We're invited" he adds and sits down next to me. We sit side by side starring at the ground for a couple of seconds.

I'm no longer afraid. Just determined.

" Well then, we can't miss my only sisters wedding. Can we?"

I look into Taemin's eyes and he looks in mine.

It's settled.

This weekend I attend Soo Hi's wedding.

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