Chapter Thirteen

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My heart continues to pump adrenaline as I turn the key to start my car. I speed away not even paying attention to the speed limit.

Why now? After so many years...

Soon my vision gets blury. I turn on my wipers to remove the excess snow but realize that my window is clear. It's my tears that are clouding my vision.

I see the EMERGENCY sign in the distance and I feel a chill wash over me.

When I park, I see Soo Hi's car a couple of parking spaces from mine and cringe. In a couple of minutes I'll be standing in front of the two people who despise me the most; my father and older sister.

When I walk in the smell of hand sanitizer and sickness invades my lungs. Sirens wail as patients are being rushed in. I try to swallow the vile rising up my throat and get to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm here to see a patient" I say and try to focus on the clock hanging behind the receptionist's desk.

I need to focus.


"Who are you looking for miss?"

Who am I looking for? I haven't said my father's name in almost seven years, I'm surprised I still remember it.

"Oh Park Hye" I say in a whisper. I touch my raspy throat and hold myself to keep warm. The woman types away on her keyboard and looks up at me.

" what's your relationship to the patient?" She says and looks up at me.

"Well, I, I mean im-" the words scramble in my head and I cant seem to say them out loud.

"Miss only immediate family is allowed to see the patient" she says impatiently.

"I know- I, I mean.....he's my father" as soon as the words escape my mouth my stomach churns and once she gives me the room number I run to the restroom and hurl into the toilet.

I'm a hot mess of vomit, tears, and fear.

"Why am I here" I say to myself and hit my head with my fist. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can do this.

Room 102 looks like any other from outside. But I know that what's inside is troubling. A destroyed family.

I slide the door open slowly.

Soo Hi is in the corner holding on to her jacket but turns my way when she hears the door creak. Thankfully she stays quiet long enough for me to see the limp man on the hospital bed.

The man lays unmoving on the bed. Tubes come out from his nostril's and connect to an oxygen machine. I gather courage to look at his face. The once smooth lines of the face I once new have been replaced with rough skin and wrinkles. His once prominent dark hair now lies in small patches across his scalp, lined in grey.

Before I notice it, my lips begin to quiver and I have to cover my mouth to stop them.

I look over at Soo Hi who is doing a much better job at keeping calm.

"What happened?" I lose my voice at the end and it comes out as a squeak. Before she can answer the door opens again and I turn around to face the new visitor.

The dark curly hair.

Dark brown eyes.

Small mouth.

They only belonged to one person.

"Mom" the words leave my mouth as quickly as consciousness leaves my body.

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