Chapter Eleven

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"I didn't know what to do" I admit to Taemin through the phone.

"I can't believe I just watched her get beat up like that and just stood there like an idiot" I bury my forehead onto my palm and sigh. The heavy feeling in my chest still hasn't gone away since this morning.

"Ok, calm down, you were too shocked to intervene that's all" he says trying to make me feel less guilty.

"I know but....ughh! Why hasn't she said anything!" I bang my hand on the steering wheel so hard that I let the horn blow accidentally, scaring the wits of a young couple who was passing by.

"Did you just blow the horn?" He says making me feel even more stupid.

"Yes I bloody did!, and scared the panties off some couple who was passing by" I say exasperated. I hear him chuckle at the other end of the line and have to suppress the urge to pull his ears for laughing at me.

"Anyway, I've got to go meet up with the girls. I'll call you later"

"Alright, we have a concert rehearsal today anyway and I'm about to do my hair and wardrobe. I'll talk to you later"

"Ok" I say and remove my breaks.

"Oh, and one more thing" he says.

"Uh huh" I say, about to lose my patience.

"I love you"

Those three little words make my body tingle from head to toe. His voice has always sounded so sincere and loving. A feeling of joy and pride and lust rush over me all at the same time.

"I love you too darling" I say. There's silence at the other end and I know he has a smile on his face. A smile that belongs to me.

We finally hang up and I head towards the girls dorm, stationed only a few blocks from the boys.

When I knock on the door, Anna is the one who opens.

"Ha Ni is here!" She shouts and leaves the door open so I can follow her in. The three are still in their pajamas playing Wii together.

"Sorry for the way we're dressed, we weren't expecting anyone" Yeong Chan says and tugs at her ponytail.

"It's alright, its my fault for not calling ahead of time. I just assumed you knew I was coming" I say a little confused.

"Why is that?" Amber asks from the corner, less shy than she was yesterday.

"Well, the chairwoman has made some changes in the staff and I am now your Manager"

The girls look at one another and then back at me.

"That's awesome!" Anna says finally and I let out a sigh of relief.

"But what about Shinee? And Taemin?" Yeong Chan says but then suddenly covers her mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude" she says and looks down at her feet.

I'd forgotten how me and Taemin's relationship was promoted all over the internet.

I can sense the tension in the room so I take off my shoes and sit on the nearby couch. The girls sit on the floor before me with their legs criss crossed. They're attention fully on the stranger sitting on their couch.

"Don't worry, you weren't intruding. And to answer your question, its not really that bad, I still get to see them. Just less often. Plus, me and Taemin stay in communication constantly" I say and Yeong Chan nods her head silently.

"'d you get Taemin to like you?" Anna asks, before she's flicked on the head by Yeong Chan who looks mortified.

"Owwwwww! Jesus I was just asking!" She rubs her forehead and then apologizes to me.

I laugh and then confess "To be honest, I have no idea what he sees in me, but I think we were brought together by fate" I say and smile to myself.

"Wow, a modern Cinderella tale" she says and puts her hands together to imitate a 'dreamy' look.

"So, I heard that two certain people had crushes on my Onew and I right?" I raise an eyebrow and Anna falls over laughing.

Yeong Chan and Amber both turn beet red and slap Anna on the arm.

"Aish! You two are so abusive" Anna says pouting.

" well anyway, I think it's cute you guys like them, they're really great guys" we all smile at one another and my heart begins to come at ease again.

To my surprise, I spend the rest of the afternoon just chatting with the girls. They all told me their past and I told them how I met SHINee. Its been a while since I had some quality girl time. Megan was usually too busy and Hyo Rin needed to spend all of her free time with Minho. So it's been a while since I enjoyed myself like this.

"I can't believe how you got a job the same day you got rejected, how lucky is that!" Anna says while drinking banana milk.

"I just can't believe how you dated Minho! I thought it would be awkward seeing your ex all of the time, and dating his best friend no less" Amber said, finally coming out of her shell.

"Funny part is that it was never awkward, it was best for us to split anyway, and now we're both happy. So win win" I say and the girls nod.

"It's so surreal being here. Meeting you and Shinee, I feel as if I'm dreaming" Yeong Chan says and hugs her knees; her dark hair draping over her like a blanket.

She's so familiar....

"I understand how you feel, I felt that way at first, but just remember that even fairy tales have villains and obstacles. This isn't an easy industry, you must always be on your toes" I warn her; truly meaning it.

"And seeing Onew in the flesh was..." She hides what sounded like a giggle by putting her head down.

"And seeing Key..." Amber adds with a smile illuminating her face.

I wonder if this is the right moment to break the fantasy image they have of Onew and Key. I can see Onew playing with sock puppets and Key watching 'America's Net Top Model' with a green mask on his face.

Oh they're dreamy all right...

"I guess you could say they both have a certain.....charm" I say. The girls seemed pleased with my reply and continue to giggle amongst themselves.

Afternoon has turned to evening so I must leave. Before I go I recieve hugs from all of them which makes my heart soar. They truly are nice people.

However, once I get to the boys dorm, there's drama.


"If you ask me, that troll is getting what she deserves!" Is all Key says and clenches his mouth.

"So what if she gets beaten by her husband? She almost got you killed!" Minho flings his arms in frustration almost knocking Jonghyun onto the floor.

"Look guys, I see your point, but obviously Soo Hi has other things going on that we don't know about. We shouldn't judge her just yet" Onew says trying to reason with them.

I'm sitting on Taemin's lap in the living room while the boys debate with one another.

"Let's just forget about past offenses and focus on what's on front of us. The question is, should we confront Soo Hi and help her? Or stay quiet and mind our own business?" Jonghyung says and stuffs his hands in his jean pockets.

"I don't know" I say truthfully.

We all stay silent in the room just staring at the carpet.

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow, right?" Taemin says and pats my thigh.

Yes, I suppose we will.

SHINee's Dreamgirl: United at last.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang