Chapter Twenty-five

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Taemin spends the whole night monitoring me. Every turn, every cough, he was there.

"Baby please go to sleep, you start your tour tomorrow, you need to sleep" I beg but he puts his hand on my stomach and shakes his head.

"No, I need to make sure your OK. Just because you're feeling better doesn't mean that you're actually OK." He says and rubs my tummy.

"I understand that your worried, but it's three am! You need to sleep"

He looks away and I feel his fingers go tense on my stomach.

"What's wrong?" I say, but he doesn't turn his head.

"I'm not going" he says and I stay quiet. When Taemin doesn't bother to look me in the eyes it means that his mind is made. I turn his head with my finger and his brow is furrowed.

"Don't try to talk me out of it, because you won't change my mind" he says and looks me straight in the eye.

When all else fails....use charm.

I go forward and press my lips onto his. At first he's shocked, but then he responds. Our mouths move in perfect sync. I run my hand through his hair until I feel him relaz onto me. I push us apart and he growls.

"Don't do that! You know that's my weakness" he says infuriated.

"Go on your tour" I say and run my hands along his shoulders.

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and i'd feel terrible if I got in the way of that" I say and he sighs.

I'm getting to him.

"It was probably just a stupid prank from one of your fans, you know how crazy they are about you" I say and he turns to face me.

"That stupid prank almost got you killed " he snarles.

He realizes that he's directing his anger at me and a pained look registers on his face.

"I'm sorry. I just.....can't believe that I left your side for just three minutes and that it put you in danger. What will happen when I'm really not around?"

I caress his cheek and catch a falling tear from his face.

"It's not your fault. And it's not like I'm all alone in the dark on a regular basis. I have the boys, my girls, my dad, Soo Hi, and Rose looking over me. I'll be fine" I say and he nods his head.

"Alright, your a big girl. I'll go" he says and I clap in excitement.

"Yay! I'm happy" I say and kiss him on the cheek. He rubs my off my kiss and sticks out his tounge at me.

"You're such a kid" I say and find warmth against his body.

I'll be a great wife.


"Don't worry she'll be safe with us" Minho says and puts an arm around me.

Taemin stands before me holding his suitcase. His face filled with worry and anxiety.

He hasn't left yet and I'm already crying. He opens his arms out to me and I run into his embrace. He squeezes me tight and pats my head gently.

"Promise me, that if anything happens you'll call me" he says and I nod my head. He pushes me at arms length and touches his forehead to mine. "Please,please be safe" he whispers and then kisses my head. He lingers, not wanting to part with me.

When its time to leave, the boys say their farewells and wish him luck.

"Don't worry too much, we'll all keep an eye on her" Onew says and pats his arm.

"Well, this is it.....goodbye" he says and looks straight at me. I bite my lip so it doesn't quiver and bury my face into Minho's side.

When I manage the courage to look back....

He's already gone.

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