Chapter Ten

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Sexy practical hair...


Fancy pencil skirt...


Smart blouse.....


Snicker bar to kill hunger....


If I was going to report to Soo Hi now, I made sure I had on my full gear.

Manager Hyung let me go with tears in his eyes. I'd miss being his assistant, he's the closest thing I've had to a father figure in the past seven years.

"It seems like only yesterday when we found you trampled by the fans" he says in a squeaky voice.

"What will I do without you?" He says and rubs his balding head.

"I'm sure you'll be fine" I say. He nods quietly and hugs me once more.

"Hey, remember, what goes around comes back around" he says and pats my shoulder.

If that's the truth then I hope a truck falls out of the sky and plasters my sisters silhouette permanently onto the pavement.

That'd be nice.

I snap out of my daydream when I see my watch. Its a quarter to nine and I've got to get going. I say my final goodbye and leave Manager Hyung with a heavy heart.

Maybe working with the girls won't be so bad, I'll probably be too busy with their schedules to even see my sister.

There's the positive thinking!

I pump myself up all the way to the SM Entertainment headquarters. The tall building casts a long shadow on the sidewalk. Along the building, posters of the various bands under its name are exhibited. EXO, Snsd, Fx, Super Junior, SHINee, and now Mischievous.

When I walk in I show my badge to the receptionist and she directs me to the sixth floor. So up I go to the witches lair with only a half eaten Twinkie as my weapon.

I get off on the sixth floor and jump when I hear something shatter.

Down an ample hallway lies what must be Soo Hi's office. Even from the elevator drop off I can hear the discussion.

"Get your filthy hands off me!"

"Stop moving you little dog!"

I can hear feet shuffling and furniture being thrown around. I walk as close to the door as possible where I can peek through the slightly open door.

My sister grips onto the corner of her desk, her usually tamed hair, now in tangles. I can't see her husband, but I'm sure he's furious.

"You ungrateful little brat! I've given you everything!"  I see him lash out for her but she manages to escape by dodging him.

I cringe as I see her trip onto the floor. She tries to crawl but he grabs her by the hair.

My heart is thumping wildly and I don't know what to do. Should I yell? Call the police? Run in there myself?

"Don't make me throw you away like the trash that you are!" he says this through clenched teeth and pulls her hair so hard I'm afraid it might rip off all at once.

She whimpers in pain and I can see a tear stroll down her red cheeks. The fear in her eyes is undescribable. The last time I saw my sister cry was at our mothers funeral.

Anger rushes through my veins as I want to punch him mercilessly for hurting her. Before I make a move to barge in, his hand moves so quickly that I have to cover my mouth so they can't hear me gasp.

The sound of the slap echoes off the walls like a thunderous boom. Soo Hee is prawled onto the floor sobbing.

He fixes his jacket, runs a hand over his head and heads toward the door.

Like nothing happened.

I scuttle frantically behind a plant so he won't see me. I follow him with my gaze until he dissapears into the elevator.

For a couple of second I stand frozen in my hiding place. Too shocked to even move.

Soo Hi's powerful cries are what wake me up.

I peek in through the door again to find her still on the floor, this time sitting up. She tries to wipe her tears but they just keep coming. I watch in agony as she crawls over to her desk and picks up the phone.

She dials a number and clears her throat.

"Ms. Kim, please cancel my appointment with Ms. Oh Ha Ni and reschedule it for tomorrow" she hangs up and sinks down the side of her mahogany desk.

My phone vibrates with a message from the office.

"Ms. Oh Ha Ni, your appointment
Has been moved to tomorrow due to a change in the chairwoman's schedule, we will contact you later on to set a time"

Wow, that was fast. I silence my phone and look back at my sister. She whimpers silently and begins to bang on her chest.

I almost drop my purse when she let's out a piercing shriek.

Tears sting at my eyes as she yells to the person we both miss the most.


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