Chapter Thirty

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"Your staying with her!" Yeong Chan yells in the car.

"Ya! Don't yell! I think you blasted my ear drums" I say and she covers her mouth. I don't understand Yeong Chan and Key's bad habit of yelling everything.

"Sorry" she says and makes a cute face. I roll my eyes and smack her thigh.

"Ouch. Anyway, when was the last time you stayed with your sister?" Yeong Chan asks and I take a deep breath.

"The last time my sister and I were under the same roof, I was about fifteen years old."

I say this and Yeong Chan looks out the window.

"Can you handle it? Staying with her I mean" she asks and I scratch my head.

"I guess. But to be honest, I'm happy she asked me. Although I'm an adult now, I've always missed my sister. No matter how many horrible things she said or did, I always saw the Soo Hi I grew up with. The one who took care of me, the one who laughed with me, the one who protected me. Only because of that was I able to put up with her these past few years"

"Wow" Yeong Chan says and smiles. "I guess sisterly love is a powerful thing"

"Yes, it is" I say and smile to myself.

We stay silent in the car and that gives me time to think.

It's the last day of the year.

Looking back, I can say I've had a great year. Sure, there were some up's and down's, but nonetheless it was amazing. I was named Manager. I reunited with my father and aunt. Soo Hi and I mended our relationship. I was proposed to by my best friend and partner. I went to China and spent time with the people that matter the most to me.

There will always be downfalls, but as long as you spend your time with people who matter, then your time has been spent productively.

I return Yeong Chan to the dorms and call Onew.

I tell him to meet me at a nearby karaoke bar with the boys and he agrees.

How can I break the news to them? I know Key knows. And Taemin wanted this all along. But what about Minho, Jonghyun and Onew? How will they take it?

I reach the Karaoke place and book a room for us. While I wait for the boys to arrive, I remove my jacket and sing a couple of songs on my own. By the time they arrive the music is up on full blast, my shoes are thrown on the floor and I'm Twerking on top of the table.

How did that happen?

Key laughs and bends over histericaly. The boys clap and whistle.

I see Taemin for the first time since last night and he helps me off the table.

"I think you were a stripper in your past life" Jonghyun says and Taemin whacks him upside the head.

"You alright?" Taemin asks. He shuffles on his feet. He's nervous. I smile, thinking about how cute he looks when he's like this.

I answer by Kissing him.

He's too shocked to move. I break the kiss and look up at him.

"I'm sorry" he says and looks down.

"You are forgiven" I say and kiss him once more.

"Ya! Stop it already! Your making me feel bad" Key says and jumps on Taemin, wrapping his legs around him.

"Aish! Get off!" Taemin protests, trying to pry Key off of him.

"But we're meant to be!" Key Whines and Minho pulls his ear. Key comes off grumbling and complaining as Minho doesn't let go of his ear. We all laugh and I tell the boys to sit down.

They all sit down on the lounge couch and I sit on the corner of the table in front of them.

"Um, I have something to announce" I say and rub my engagement ring for moral support.

"I turned in my resignation letter today. I quit SM Entertainment" I quickly close my eyes expecting the worst.


I open one eye slowly and almost fall over when the boys jump up from the couch.

"Wooooooooo! YEAH! Go HA NI!"

The boys clap and scream hoots of joy and I look at Taemin with a question mark blinking on my forehead.

"Did they already know?" I ask him and he nods.

"Stupid! I told you he had a plan! Now we can plan the wedding!" Key gets up on the table and does his own happy dance.

"What?!" I say in shock and Taemin wraps his arms around me.

"Now the plan is in effect. All I needed you to do was trust me. And you did." He says and kisses me on the head.

"But, what plan?!" I say looking around at the boys who seem to be looking at me like I'm stupid.

"You'll see eventually" Onew says and grabs a microphone.

"So what do you say we end this year with a bang!" Minho yells and pumps his fist into the air.

We laugh and pump our fists.

we all grab a microphone and rock out to SNSD's "the boys" and Super Junior's "mamacita"

Taemin and I take a break and sit down on the couch while the boys sing.

"Because I'm naughty naughty, hey! I'm Mr.Simple!"

We laugh at Jonghyun who's singing at the top of his lungs and clap whenever Onew manages to trip, which happens often.

"How are you so cunning?" I ask Taemin and lay my head on his shoulder.

"You still haven't noticed how smart your fiancé is Miss Oh?" He teases.

"Oh I knew he was smart, but I didn't know how conniving he was" I reply and he kisses my hand.

"So are you staying with your sister?" He asks and I turn my head to look at him.

"How did you know?"

"I planned it. I asked her and she agreed" he says and gives me a side smile.

"So my sister is on this as well?" I ask and he nods once more.

"You never cease to surprise me" I say shaking my head.

We spend the last night of the year singing and dancing.

This was an unforgettable year.

SHINee's Dreamgirl: United at last.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora