Chapter Twenty-one

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   This moment will forever be frozen inside my heart. Just the look in his eyes is enough happiness to last me a life time.

"Will you be my wife?"

With knees shaking and a beating heart I reply.

"Yes, a thousand times yes"

I told myself that I'd never cry when this moment came, but I can't help it. I didn't know this much happiness was even possible. He stays on one knee, tears landing on his jeans. A smile illuminates his face as he takes my hand and slides the ring onto my finger. Before he can get back up I throw myself onto him, he gets up, picking me up with him.


Apparently the boys were filming the whole time. Everyone is here, the girls, manager Hyung, The Super Junior boys, and to my surprise, Megan is holding up a tablet and looking back at me is Dad, Soo Hi and Rose.

"You all knew about this!" I say covering my mouth in shock.

"Stupid! We've been planning this for over a month now!" Key says laughing.

"We got you good!" Hyung says and comes to give me a hug. Everyone takes turns giving me and Taemin they're congratulations. Tears are shed all over the place. When I reach Megan, dad waves hello from the screen.

"I'm so happy for you Kigo" he sniffs and Rose pats him on the back. "He's a good boy, you better take good care of him" he says and leaves, probably too embarrassed to look at me.

"Congrats sweetie!" Rose says "I'm sorry we were unable to be there but Taemin made sure we were at least able to see it happen"

Taemin comes to my side and puts an arm around my waist. "Hey Rose! Hi Soo Hi" he waves hello.

"How do you know each other?" I say confused.

"A couple of days after you met your father, I went to see him myself. I told him of my plans to propose, and asked him to keep it a secret. Rose helped me pick out the ring and Soo Hi found the hotel for us" he says.

I look at my sister on the screen who looks like she couldn't care less, but deep down, I know she wanted to help me. She does care about me. Tears of joy return and Rose coos "oh sweetheart, enjoy this moment. Its your moment" she sends a kiss and Soo Hi mumbles a congratulations and they log off. I turn to bury my face in Taemin's jacket.

"You did all this? You spoke to my dad, and Rose, and even worked alongside my sister..... why?" I ask feeling my face burn hot.

He caresses my cheek and picks my face up to look at him.

"Because your worth it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and if that means putting everything on the line then so be it"

Everyone erupts into an "awwwwwwwww" and clap once more when Taemin and I share a hug. The group splits into boys and girls as the boys crowd Taemin; giving him pats on the back and ruffling his hair. While the girls crowd me to see the ring.

"It's beautiful!" Yeong Chan exclaims and takes a picture. We all pose together with my hand out, so that the ring is visible.

"Wow! Its like a fairy tale" Anna giggles and puts her arm around me.

"All that's left now is the...HONEYMOON!" Megan shouts and the boys look over. I blush profusely and slap her arm. Amber stays quiet but gives me a warm hug. A single tear comes down her face and the water works start up again. I spend the rest of the night laughing and crying my eyes out. By the time the party settles down, I have the darkest under eye circles ever seen on a human being.

"Don't look at me, I look ugly" I say and cover my face once me and Taemin are alone in a room he reserved just for us.

Also a very pleasant surprise.

"Stop with the nonsense" he says and tickles me until I remove my hands from my face.

"I can't believe you met my dad and Rose" I say, while unpacking my suitcase. He passes by me into the bathroom and leaves the door open. I can feel my palms get sweaty when I see him remove his shirt, but completely lose it when I see his hands venture down.

"Ya! C-close the d-door!" I say and turn around and close my eyes. I hear him chuckle and the door closes. I peek to check if the coast is clear and sigh in relief when it is. He seriously has no shame. Well I guess I wouldn't either if my body looked that good.

I look down at my ring and bring it up into the light to admire it. The diamond is round with smaller diamonds around the band. Simple, beautiful, and elegant. While he's showering I change into my cutest pajamas and let my hair loose. The dark waves of my hair fall softly down my back, and when I look in the mirror, I'm happy to see that I don't look so hideous anymore.

I can hear him sing our song in the shower "together making love, forever making you smile....stand by me" his angelic voice travels through the bathroom door and into my heart. When I hear the water stop I panic.

Where should I be!? Laying on the bed? Standing up? Sitting?

I rush over to the bed and sprawl out on it like an idiot, but then decide that's too awkward so I manage to sit down with my legs crossed just as he emerges. His hair is slightly dripping and he's wearing his favorite sweatpants. No shirt. I swear he's doing this on purpose.

"Let me help you with that" I say and get up to get my blowdryer from my bag. He sits down on the bed and I get on my knees behind him. As I run my fingers through his hair and dry it, he continues to sing. Feeling his soft hair between my fingers, the way it tangles onto my ring, feels so surreal.

"There, all done" I say and put the blower down. He lays his head on my lap and I look down at him. My hair creating a tent around his head. He smiles up at me and pushes my hair behind my ear on one side.

"You look beautiful" he says and twirls a strand of my hair in his finger without taking his eyes off mine. I lower myself so I can kiss the tip of his nose.

He scrunches up his face when I do and laughs when I slap him on the arm.

"Are you sure you want to deal with me for the rest of your life? Because I'll understand if you want to return me, you still have the receipt right?" I say joking around.

"Are you crazy! I had you on layaway until I could afford you! I ain't returning you anytime soon" he says and sits up to face me.

"Ok, OK, just asking" I say and sit between his legs, his chest warming up my back. He rests his chin on my shoulder and sighs.

"You are going to be Mrs.Lee in the near future" he says, as if talking to himself.

"Mmmmm hmmm" I nod and he wraps his arms around me. I place both my hands on his and admire the way my hands look so frail next to his long fingers. As our hearts flutter for one another and my ring sparkles in the moonlight, I find my infinite bliss.....

Sitting my fiance's arms.

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