Chapter Thirty-one

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Soo Hi's house is ginormous. Located in the upper part of Gangnam, you can't expect any less.

"Don't touch that" she says without turning around when I go near a funny looking pot that's on display.

"This place looks more like a Museum, what's up with the displays?" I ask looking at the various artifacts, some of them inside glass cases.

"The lowlife who owns this house is a collector" she says going up the glass stairs that lead to the living room.

The house is situated on a hill, so the house itself has three stories. The first floor showcases the CEO's collection, the second holds the Kitchen, the living room and the media room, and the third has all the bedrooms and guest rooms.

I follow her up and try my best to keep my hands to myself.

"I'm gonna make a snack, your room is the first to the left when you reach the top of the stairs" she says and glides over to the kitchen counter. I look towards the second set of stairs that go up in a spiral. I really need to get in shape.

Dragging up my suitcase I almost fall on my butt due to the marble steps that shine brighter than Key's glitter sneakers.

I reach the room and gasp when I open the door.

The bed is big enough for me and the boys to fit perfectly side by side. I didn't even know this bed size existed. What the heck is it? Quadruple x-tra mega 20w large?

I put my suitcase under the bed and can't resist jumping onto it. Like a trampoline it sends my body flying back up and I land in the pillows.

"What are you doing up there!?" Soo Hi calls and I get off the bed in an instant.

"Nothing!" I yell back and laugh to myself when she doesn't answer.

I return to the kitchen and find her taking out some things from the fridge.

"Thanks for letting me stay, the house is beautiful" I say and sit on one of the high chairs.

"Thank your fiancé who wouldn't stop bugging me" she says and takes out a tray.

"Are those cinnamon buns by any chance?" I ask.

She clears her throat and doesn't answer me.

"Remember when we used to make them together?" I ask and she looks up at me.

"Don't think that just because I'm letting you stay her we're gonna be all girly and buddy buddy" she naps back and I smile to myself.

"That's fine with me. I'm just happy to be close to you"

When I say this she looks at me with an unreadable expression in her eyes. I smile at her and take a cinnamon bun. I chew it softly, savoring it just like our memories of making them. She serves me a glass of milk and sits beside me to eat her share.

We stay silent as we eat. The only noise to be heard is the clock that hangs on the wall.

"You were always terrible at making them"

"Hmm?" I turn around and see her sipping her milk.

"Your cinnamon buns always tasted horrible" she says and I see a tiny smile form at the corner of her lips.

"But I made them with love!" I argue and I hear her laugh for the first time in years. My insides feel warm.

"They always came out terrible because you never listened to me when I gave you instructions. Remember when you went to add sugar but instead you added salt? You gave me diarrhea for two weeks" she says and laughs even harder.

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