Final Chapter

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"Baby! Our guests have arrived!"

I run over to the kitchen and make sure the heat is on low.

"Ok! The food is ready" I yell back. Taemin is upstairs getting the guestrooms ready while I deal with the kitchen.

I hear a giggle come from behind me and I put my hands on my hips.

"Is that my yooni I hear!?" I say with my highest pitch.

Another giggle errupts from the cupboard and I open it to find Yoonie playing with the pans.

"Aigoo! There you are!"

I pick him up and balance him on my thigh while I remove the cracker crumbs from his hair. He looks at me with those dark eyes and my heart melts.

"Yoonie you look just like daddy" I say and poke his nose.

"Which means he's irresistibly handsome"

Taemin comes over in a crisp blue dress shirt and takes Yoonie from my arms.

"Here you go champ! Let's leave mommy to deal with the food" he sits him down on the floor and opens a box of Legos. They play together while I set up the table.

The doorbell rings and Yoonie squeals.

"Onu! Onu!" He cries and runs over to the door.

Taemin opens the door and greats the guys with hugs and slobbery kisses from Yoonie. Onew picks him up and Yoonie laughs when Onew tickles him.

"Be careful" Taemin says helping the very pregnant Megan make it into the house. Megan, Hyo Rin, Amber, and Yeong Chan scream when they see me and come over to give me a hug as well.

"What in the world!?" I say and rub Megan's protruding belly. She smiles proudly and and Jonghyun comes over with a grin on his face.

"Twins" he says and pumps a fist in the air.

"I feel bad for the children" Key says and Amber nudges him.

"Shutup, I'll be a great father. Right baby?" He says and kisses Megan on the cheek. She rolls her eyes and we all laugh.

"So, when is it your turn?" I ask Hyo Rin and Minho turns as red as a beet.

"This idiot says he's not ready to change diapers yet" she says and punches Minho on the arm.

"What!" We all exclaim and Yoonie screams in excitement at the sudden burst of noise.

"I think he wants mommy" Onew says and hands Yoonie over to me. I rock him in my arms and Yeong Chan sighs.

"Onew, I want one" she whines and Onew turns pale.

"I think I'm with Minho on this one" he says and backs away toward Minho.

"Me too. Let's leave the baby making to Jong and Taemin, ain't nobody got time to be waking up at three in the morning to breastfeed" Key says and joins their group.

Amber scoffs and whacks him on the head "its not like you're the one doing the breastfeeding!"

We all laugh and I notice Yoonie's eyes start to waiver.

"Is this big boy ready for a nap?" I say and he lays his head on my shoulder.

"I'll take him. You stay here and catch up with everyone" Yeong chan says and takes Yoonie from my arms to take him upstairs.

We all sit in the living room to talk.

"So how's Soo Hi?" I ask and sip my tea.

"Great actually! Her shop just opened up a couple of blocks from our apartment, and Anna is helping her out." Hyo Rin says and Minho nodds.

"You know her, she's always on her toes" he adds.

"What about your dad and Rose?" Onew asks.

"Oh my god! Those two are crazy, every month I get a postcard from their newest adventure. Last month it was Egypt" I say and laugh, remembering the picture of my dad "holding" the great pyramid in his hands.

"Wow, their living the dream" Key says and crosses his legs.

"I really missed you guys" I say and they all nod in agreement.

"But we understand your busy. now your a wife and a mom, and that requires time" Amber says and looks over at Key with a smile.

"I know. Yoonie takes up so much of my time, and he's growing so fast!" I say.

"I can't believe he's already four!" Taemin says emerging from the kitchen with appetizers.

"It seems just like yesterday that we were rushing to the hospital when we figured out Ha Ni was pregnant" he says and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"How does it feel? To have a child I mean" Megan asks and Jonghyun rubs her belly.

I stop to think about it for a second.

Sure there's stress involved, and a lot of work. But its all joy.

"I'm not gonna lie, it really is demanding. But i'ts also wonderful in every way. As the child grows, you begin to see characteristics of you and your partner in him. For example, Yoonie leaves his socks all over the place" I say, and Taemin laughs.

"But he also prefers to stay indoors like his mother" Taemin says and I smile.

"He's the love of my life. Once their born, you realize that they come first, they're your priority from that moment on" I explain.

Megan rubs her tummy and lays her head on Jong's shoulder.

"He's asleep" Yeong Chan says, returning from upstairs.

"Let's eat then!"

We all sit down at the table as a family. After so long since seeing one another, it feels good to catch up and laugh like we used to do. Time has flown by quickly, now we all have our lives made. Some of us expecting children, other's planning their weddings.

We grew up.

And although we may not be the young rascals we once were. We still get a kick out of everything when we're together.

I have learned from these people, grew from them, matured because of them. And thanks to them I was able to get my life together.

Now here we are.

United at last.

                                             ~ The End~

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