Chapter Two

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As assistant manager I'm also in charge of minor details concerning other bands from our company.

Since the boys have a new music video to shoot, I'll be busy consulting a concert plan with Super Junior's manager.

I can see her helping Luhan and Siwon fix their ties correctly.

"Sakura!" I wave to her and she waves back.

"Ha Ni noona!" Siwon greets me first and gives me a hug.

"Get off her, she's taken" Sakura says playfully. She gives me a warm hug and smiles brightly.

" I don't know how you do it Sakura, there's only five members in Shinee and that's enough to make me want to pull my hairs out" I say, very aware of how large of a band Super Junior is.

"At first it was overwhelming, now its just annoying" as she says this, Heechul runs over and pulls at her pony tail.

"Aish! You brat!" Sakura whacks him in the head and Luhan and Siwon laugh.

Sakura became Super Junior's manager only a couple of months after I met Shinee for the first time, so now she sort of looks up to me and asks me for advice.

After she got the boys settled and ready for the shoot, we sat down in the dressing room to talk business. Shinee and Super Junior are scheduled to have a joined concert next month and we have to make sure our schedules don't overlap. The boys are so busy that most appointments have been scheduled up to a year in advance, so I always have to be on my toes.

Sakura and I clear our bands schedules for the same weekend and take out an extra days for the boys to relax and hang out. And for us managers to take a breather and have time to book their future schedules.

Although my job is much more busy now, I enjoy it.

"Bye Sakura, thanks for your time. Call me if anything comes up, OK?"

"Sure thing. Oh! And thanks for the advice you gave me last time, I think Luhan likes me!" She squeels in delight in my ear and I can't help but smile.

Everyone deserves to be happy, don't they?

As I think this, I can't help but to think of Soo Hi's wedding this weekend. If I was still the old naive Oh Ha Ni, I might have even been happy for her. But I'm too smart now to think so foolishly. She never does anything for emotion, she does things for personal gain. If she becomes the Chairwoman of SM Entertainment, she'll make my life a living hell for sure. Probably even fire me.

I try my best to shake these thoughts from my head. Thankfully my phone beeps and I receive a message telling me that the boys are done shooting for the day.

I want to see Taemin.

I don't bother calling him because I already know where he'll be.

I park my car in front of the dance studio and bring my change of clothes. The dance studio is Taemin's holy place, and he won't let me in unless I'm wearing the appropriate attire of long T-shirt and leggings. I change quickly in the bathroom and tie my hair up.

As I walk down the hall towards the dance room, I can already hear the music resonating off the walls. When I approach the glass door I see him inside enveloped in his dancing trance.

There are many things that make Taemin attractive, however, my personal pleasure is watching him dance. The fluidity of his movements is almost hypnotizing. His emotions and body become one in a way that I will never understand.

Of course, as I'm drooling over his performance he happens to notice me and turns the music off.

"Are you planning to stare at me all day, or are you going to join me?"

He stands in the middle of the room wearing only his sweat pants. He's sweating down his chest making it impossible for me not to stare. Despite my raging hormones, I walk over to him and hand him a water bottle.

"Thanks" he says and gulps it down.

Is it wrong for me to be jealous of a water bottle?

Whatever, I'll take my revenge by not recycling it later.

"So how was the shoot?" I say and hand him a towel from my bag.

"Exhausting, at one point Onew tripped over Jonghyun but managed to not break his face by a miracle"

" Ahhhhh the Onew condition strikes again" I say.

"Anyway, your looking mighty sexy in those tights" he says, his face turning pink.

I suddenly become aware of every inch of baby fat in my body and subconsciously cover my tummy with my hands.

Taemin sighs and surprises me by hugging me from behind. He places his hand directly on my tummy and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Stop being so guarded with me. I love every inch of you, even the parts that hang from your sides" he says the last part teasingly and I complain.

"Hey!" I say and try to wiggle out from his grasp, but he's too strong.

"Just stay like this for a second" he says softly. He places his head on my shoulder and I stroke his head.

"You know your sweaty right?" I say after a minute of silence.

He let's go and spins me so that I'm facing him.

"Oh yeah?" He says, and without warning, he grabs my face and literally plasters it against his abs.

"Ewwwwww sweat!!!" I yell, and he begins to laugh. He let's go and mocks me.

"You nasty" I say and wipe my cheek with the back of my hand.

He continues to smile and turns on the music.

"Ring Ding Dong" comes on and we both get into our positions. Out of all their songs, to me, this one is the easiest to follow along. Taemin personally taught me the dance diligently. And finally, after a mont of falling on my butt and sweating even trough my eye sockets...I finally got it.

When we dance together, and when I see our bodies in sync through the mirror, I feel as if we've truly become part of one another. We think the same thoughts and move to the same rhythm.

Once the song ends, I'm so out of breath that I don't even bother to sit down. I fall down.

Taemin comes over and lays down on the wood floor next to me. He finds my hand and holds it in his.

"Are you ready for this weekend?" He says interrupting my breathing.

"I guess. I don't really think about it, I just expect it and accept it"

"Awwwww my baby sounds so mature" he says and drapes his legs over me.

"Noooooo, your heavy" I whine. He ignores my comment and stays curled up by my side.

I hope I'm ready for what's to come this weekend.

I have to be.

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