Chapter Twenty-nine

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"Quit my job?"

When he first brought it up in the car, I was too shocked to reply. But now that we're alone in his room, I don't plan to go down without a fight. I love my job, I really do. And if I were to quit, which I'm not, what would I do then? Nothing?

I run a hand through my hair and put my hands to my hips. He stands before me changing into his pajamas.

"Yes, quit your job" he says exasperated and looks at me.

"Why? I love my job and I'm doing good! I'm a manager for christ sakes!" I don't mean to raise my voice but I can't hide the fact that I'm angry.

"You seriously don't trust me?! If I'm telling you to quit your job it's for a reason!" He snaps back and comes closer.

I move away from him and start to pace back and forth.

"Why? Huh! Tell me then! We're supposed to be a couple, couples don't hide secret plans from one another!"

Now I'm really starting to get frustrated.

"But couples also trust one another!" He retorts.

I look at him with fury in my eyes and refuse to speak further. He waits for my reply but it doesn't come.

"I guess we're not considered a couple then"

My head snaps up to look at him, but he avoids my gaze and passes by me. He leaves the room and doesn't look back.

"Dang it!" I yell and throw myself on the bed.

This is not what I had planned. Everything is going wrong. Our time in China ended tragically, I return to Korea and now this happens! And now we're fighting. I grumble like a child and scream into my pillow.

"Will you shut up"

I look up and see a groggy Key shuffle into the room.

"Why is your face green?" I ask when he sits on the bed beside me.

"Um hello? Beauty mask" he says and I laugh. I look down at my feet and he puts an arm around me.

"I heard everything" he says. I look up at him and frown.

"How could he ask that of me? My job is my everything!" I whine and fall back so I'm laying on the bed with my legs dangling from the edge.

"You're right. It was pretty stupid of him" Key says agreeing.

"Right! I mean how could he?" I say and scoff.

At least Key understands. Why can't he?

"How could he not?" Key says and I lose my thought.

"Don't be stubborn Ha Ni, he's doing this to protect you. Taemin has a plan, and if you truly trusted him you'd realize that your fiance has a point. True, he didn't handle the situation as well as he should have. But then again, we all make mistakes" he says poking my tummy.

"But......aish!" I wiggle on the bed like an electrocuted worm and Key laughs.

"But then we won't be able to see each other anymore" I protest.

"Ya! Are you really this stupid!" He yells and pokes my stomach hard, making me pout.

"I said he has a plan! Aish! No wonder he loses his patience with you, your so dumb its ridiculous!"

He makes a face and I laugh when his mask gets wrinkle creases.

"You look like a fashionable kiwi" I say and he mocks a laugh.

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