Chapter Twenty-eight

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"She's not going anywhere"

The CEO grips my arm tightly and I whimper. He's hurting me.

"Honey, you and I need to talk first" Soo Hi says through gritted teeth.

"Sir, please let me go. I'm sure this isn't very appropriate" I say but he doesn't even look my way. His eyes are focused on Soo Hi who seems to be challenging him.

"Your sister and I were just having a talk" he says lightly as if he wasn't holding me hostage. Soo Hi's nostrils flare and she looks as if she might snap at any second.

"What? Is this bothering you?" He says and presses me up against him. I make an attempt to release myself but loose my breath when he slams me against the wall.

"You scumbag!"

My sister lunges for him but he grabs her hands in mid-air.

"What do you think your doing with those pretty hands eh?" He says and whiffs her hair. Soo Hi trembles in disgust and let's out a yelp. I stand up and wobble my way over and manage to grab a paper weight off of the desk and hit him in the back of the head.

He stumbles to the floor cursing up a storm and I pull Soo Hi behind me.

"You little-"

"Stop it!" I shriek. Scared to death I look him in the eyes.

"What do you want from us!" I yell, tears coming down my face. He gets up and we take shelter behind the desk.

"I should have reported you when I had the chance!"

Onew comes flying through the door and punches the CEO across the jaw, making him fall back in shock. Relief floods over me when I see the boys pour into the room behind Onew.

Although he's outnumbered, the CEO lunges to attack again but Jonghyun dodges and hits him in the gut.

The CEO bends over in pain.

Minho comes over to protect Soo Hi and I.

"You morons, you think this is over!? Even if you call the cops! You'll never-" the CEO is cut off when Key backhands him.

"You talk too much" Key reprimands and rubs his hand.

"Are you two OK?" Onew says, panic taking over him.

"We're OK" I say and look over at Soo Hi who is rubbing her bruised wrists.

Minho leads us out of the room while Jonghyun calls the cops. We all get to the first floor, except Onew and Jonghyun who stayed in Soo Hi's office to make sure the CEO doesn't escape.

"Did he touch you?" Minho says twirling me around in search for bruises.

"Thankfully no" I say and look up at him.

His lip quivers and he pulls me into a hug.

"I was so scared he'd do something" he says into my shoulder and I pat him on the back for comfort.

We hear the approaching sirens and it isn't long before the police barges in. Employees murmer and stick around to see the show.

"It's no use. He'll come back" Soo Hi says and looks at the floor.

"But I'm sure-"

"No your not." She says cutting me off. "You don't know him like I do. He'll be back"

My sisters words send a chill down my spine and Minho notices.

Why is this happening to me? Was it really he CEO who pushed me in the water? What does he want from my sister and me?

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