Chapter Thirty-two

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The media is in a frenzy. The boys announced their retirement from the music industry and fans are going insane. Idol News broadcasts me and Taemin's relationship and our plans for marriage.

"Is he crazy! Have they all lost their minds!"

I'm pacing back and forth in the Living Room and Soo Hi keeps telling me to calm down.

The doorbell rings and she gets up to get it.

The boys walk in with my sister trailing behind. Taemin smiles at me but I burn holes in his skull with my glare.

"This is your plan!" I yell.

"It's genius right?" He says and opens his arms but I step away.

"More like crazy! This is your dream! You love singing!"

I put my hands to my hips and huff.

"Pause! Hold it right there!" Key says and we watch him as he gets a popcorn bag from the kitchen and plops back on the couch.

"Ok, resume" he says watching us intently.

"What are you angry about? This is for our future" Taemin says but I ignore it.

"Your throwing it away!" I say.

"For you! And I don't regret it. Baby, I want to live the rest of my life with you in peace. In a little home on the countryside with three kids and an Onew" he says and grabs my face.

"Now It's getting good" Soo Hi says and munches popcorn along with Key.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" I ask. "I don't want to be what holds you back"

He smiles and chuckles.

"Don't you get it? Your what's pushing me forward"

"Awwwwwwwww, its so emotional" Jonghyun says sniffing into Minho's shoulder.

"The man loves you for Christ sake! Let him do what he wants!" Key hollers and the boys hoot in agreement.

"It's gonna be just you and me and these bunch of idiots from now on. No cameras, no concerts, no tours, just me and you"

I nod my head in acceptance and let him hold me close. This is where I was meant to be, in his arms.

"The End" Onew says

"More like the beginning! We got so much work to do! We have to pick out a wedding dress, Ha Ni needs to get that Ratchet hair fixed...."

I throw a pillow at Keys face and he pouts "manners!"

"But before we get carried away with wedding plans, we still have something else to take care of" I say and explain to the boys my plan to free my sister from the CEO.

"I think it's brilliant" Minho says looking through some of Soo Hi's evidence.

"If we manage to get a trial, there's no way he can escape sentence, no matter how much money he has" Jonghyun says.

"Ok, it's settled. Get in contact with a prosecutor and show him the evidence. We can do that tomorrow" Taemin tells Soo Hi and she agrees.

"Guys, I know we sound like pure geniuses right now, but, where are we gonna sleep?" Key says, interrupting our momentary victory.

"I guess I didn't plan that" Taemin says and the boys groan.

"You guys can stay here!" I chirp and my sister rises from the couch.

"what! Oh no you don't! You crazy!" Soo Hi looks at the boys and then back at me.

"Please! Just for tonight until they find a place to stay" I beg her and give her my best puppy face.

She growls and stomps away in defeat.

"You can stay!" I yell in happiness and run up the stairs with the boys following behind. I show them to their room and they Marvel at the size just like I did. Taemin and I will stay together and the rest of the boys will share another room.

Once alone in our room, I jump on the bed and Taemin jumps and lands next to me.

"This bed is enormous" Taemin says.

"I want one" I say and brush the hair from his face.

"Hmmmmmm I'll have to think about it" he says and puts a hand on my hip.

"But why?"

"Because, it's easy to lose you in a bed this big. And I rather keep you close" he says and presses me against him.

"Ahhh I see your point" I say and kiss his chin.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a great bed, and a great house, and a great husband" he says and laughs.

"Good" I say, and fall asleep in his arms.

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