Chapter Twelve

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Last night I didn't sleep a wink. I'm so used to Taemin next to me that without him, I almost feel uncomfortable.

Megan still lies sleeping on her bed. She looks so peaceful. Her slow steady breathing calms my own.

How do I help someone who doesn't want my help? Thoughts of Soo Hi threaten my peace.

I look over at the clock. Six am.

I let out a deep sigh but jolt when my cellphone vibrates under my pillow. The light from my phone illuminates the dark room instantly.

1 Text Message:

You awake????....

It's Taemin.

Yeah....why are you awake?

                           Couldn't sleep, you?
Couldn't sleep either, its weird not sleeping next to you.

                            Missing me? (≧▽≦)

Maybe...( ^∇^)

                                Meet me outside

I can't help but feel relieved when I see him in the hallway. I run to him and he hugs me tight.

His hair hangs in shaggy pieces over his forehead. He's wearing a heavy jacket to block out the winter cold while I'm in a simple T shirt and sweats.

"How you feeling?" He says and pushes a stray hair behind my ear.

"Ok I guess" I say and bury my face on his jacket. To be honest, I don't feel like talking, I just want to lay in his arms and fall asleep.

Thankfully, he seems to pick up on my hint so he stays quiet.

The cold gets more intense and I have no doubt it's snowing outside. Taemin pushes me away and sits down on the hallway floor. I sink down next to him and he pulls me close.

"You're going to help your sister" he says softly.

I lift my head so I can see his face. He turns his head to look at me.

"I know you. Your planning on helping her" he says and places his head on mine.

"I mean, I should right?" I say, still not sure of my own motives.

"Yes you should. You are the bigger woman" he says and nudges me.

"But if she's kept it secret, its obvious that she knew it was going to happen. How can I help her, without it being obvious that I saw what happened?"

After I say this we keep quiet in thought. After a couple of seconds a lightbulb goes off in my head.

"I've go it!" I snap.

My supportive boyfriend laughs.


"Here, I don't need it. You can have it."

I drop the little makeup bottle on Soo Hi's desk and she peers up at me as if I've dropped a pound of steaming shit on her desk.

She pushes it away with the tip of her pen.

"I don't need it either" she sneers.

The tan colored bottle holds a foundation, specially made to cover dark spots, freckles, bruises....

"Well it's no use to me, it's too dark for my skin tone" I say and push it back her way.

"I said I don't need it" she repeats and raises a menacing eyebrow. But before she can fling it at my head I rush out of the room.

"Keep it!" I yell behind me and run to the elevator so she can't respond.

I inhale deeply on the elevator once its closed.

I did it.

I helped.

A weight lifts off my shoulders and I send a text to Taemin. I tell him that the deed is done and he congratulates me.

I get off on the first floor and am shocked to see Soo Hi running down the staircase with a crazed look on her face. However her cheeks have a distinct glow on them.

She used the foundation.

I give a little victory hop but almost fall on my face when she runs past me.

What could be so important that she's rushing out like that? She seemed fine moments ago in her office.

I'm about to leave the building when I receive a text that leaves me frozen where I stand.

Miss Oh Ha Ni, this is Seoul central hospital. Your father has been sent to emergency care. We need your authorization to do further tests. Please come to the check in on the first floor.

I look up and see Soo Hi speed of in her car.

In the direction of the hospital.

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