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People always say "Don't be so selfish." Pretty ironic in my case.

My parents always told me to be a little less selfless. You see, I'm a very selfless person, I'm the last thing on my mind, because I prefer to think about others needs before my own.

If someone is sick or hurt and I'm even worse off, I'll take care of them before myself.

It kind of scares my parents sometimes.

But my selflessness would land me in a predicament that would change my life forever.

I had never expected a perfect day to end with fear and tragedy. I was playing in the park with my best friend and his little brother.

It was a sunny day with no clouds in the sky and the perfect mix of cold and hot, making it the perfect temperature.

The ball we were playing with missed the younger boy's hands and rolled away out of the park.

I laughed as I ran with him to get the ball. His older brother was watching from the park, but his smiling face turned into fear as the unbelievable happened.

We were just about to go back to the park, when the sounds of screeching tires rushed to our ears.

I quickly looked up and saw a car swerving out of control. Without a single thought, I grabbed the smaller boy and threw him to the sidewalk.

He was just fine, getting a few cuts and bruises. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky.

The car skidded across the street, but I wasn't fast enough to evade it. Instead, I raised my arms over my face and braced for impact.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to find myself in sheets of white in a hospital room, numb to whatever pain I had.

I looked around and saw my family and two friends surrounding me witu teary eyes.

The boy I saved wasted no time junping onto my hospital bed, crying apologies and hugging me tightly.

Me, being who I am, I just smiled and asked him if he was hurt.

The doctors were surprised by my words. After a little while, the sun went down and visiting hours were over.

My parents were called outside by the doctors, a few minutes later, my parents came back into my room in tears.

They explained what happened to me and what had happened to my body.

I took the news surprisingly well, amiling and saying, "I'll be just fine without it. All that matters is if Tk is alright."

That made their tears flow faster down their cheeks.

That was the start of months of labor and visits to the hospital for checkups, injections and therapy.

It was hard and painful, but in just a year and a half, I was back on my feet, so to speak.

But, when I went back home and to school, people shunned me away, thinking that I was completely weird, and even my best friend avoided me.

He turned cold towards me and eventually, I lost him completely.

I thought I was all alone, until that strange event at Highton View Terrance.

Something appeared in my room, and since then, I have never completely alone.

And this friend I gained would lead me into an adventure I will never forget.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن