Legend of the Digidestined

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I stood on the edge of the island we were strandrd on as it sailed closer to Infinity Mountain. The waters were clear, but the sky had this dark hue to it, making me even mote uneasy than I already was.

Luna sat on my shoulder, tugging my cloak in slight fear. I smiled at the little digimon, reaching over her head and gently patting her to calm her down.

"We'll be okay, Luna. I promise." I said reassuringly.

"I'm proud to see you go and fight, Raya." Grangermon said from behind us.

I turned around and smiled at the digimon from my past.

"Thank you, Grangermon. Promise you'll be safe and take care of yourself after we leave." I said, he nodded.

All of a sudden, the ground shook signaling us that we had hit the main land.

With one last goodbye to Grangermon, I ran with Luna to find our friends.

"So, Luna, where do you think the others might be?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you can try to use your powers to find them." Luna suggested.

Without any other options, I closed my eyes and focused on finding my friends.

My thoughts ran through each one of then, from Tai to Matt to little Tk. Wait that's it, Tk.

I focused on him, he was the youngest and I wanted to make sure he was okay.

Suddenly, I felt a strong tug pulling me to the left.

"He's this way." I said opening my eyes and following the strange tug. I ran and ran as fast as I could until the scenery changed.

Instead of seeing the forest from earlier, I spotted strange colorful cubes stacked high into the sky, and heard a pain filled cry.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but whoever screamed like that is in a lot of pain. We should hurry." Luna said. I nodded and ran faster.

When the cubes became larger, I noticed the ground bcoming bouncier, like a bounce house back home.

I made a turn into the trees when I heard an attack.

"Fist of the Beast King!" A strong voice shouted.

My eyes widened when I recognized the attack.

"Leomon?" I asked myself.

Quickly but as quietly as I could, I snuck around the trees, brushing through them without making a sound.

I parted the low leaves and saw a terrifying sight. Matt and Garurumon were weakened, the large blur wolf digimon trapped underneath a bunch of fallen rocks from the nearby cliff.

Tai and Greymon were im a similar situation, except Greymon was just weak from a painful impact against on of the main buildings of this small village.

And Leomon was standing across from Tk and Patamon, but he was much different.

His fur was no longer a light golden brown, but was now pale and his mane, which used to be a beautiful shade of yellow was now dark gray and lifeless.

He was terrifying.

"I am your humble servant and I will obey you, Devimon." Leomon said to the air.

He began advancing towards Tk.

"Tk, watch out!" Matt shouted.

"What now, Matt?" Tk asked in fear. Patamon stood in front of his partner protectively.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ