The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!

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The Moon knights fought the Sun Empire, and didn't plan to go back to the castle till they had the child.

"Give up Dream! Just give us the child!" Cross said, "N-Never!" Dream said as he pushed Cross knife away with his staff. He turned his staff into an bow as he started to attack us with multiple arrows.

We dodged them, as we started to attack again. I need to get past them, but how? How do we get into the house?...

"Retreat now or I'll make you!" Dream told us, "We're not giving up!" Cross said. That bozo....

"I tried giving you mercy, but you'll just to deal with the consequences of your actions!" Dream said as Ink came over and tried to paint us, I dodged it, while the others got hit with paint, "How did Error dodge it?!" Fell said baffled.

I didn't know what to do, so I pushed Ink on the floor and ran towards the door before anyone can stopped me. "H-HEY! GET BACK HERE!!!" Dream demanded as he ran towards me, I ran upstairs and picked a random door, to see Khole at the door as she tried to kick me.

I caught her leg and twisted it to make her fall, I wrapped her with my strings as Dream came upstairs, I shut the door and locked it so Dream couldn't get in, "What do you plan to accomplish by doing this?! He's a child! Leave him alone!!!" Khole yelled at me, "Shut up! I'm only doing what I was ordered to!" I said as I wrapped Khole mouth with strings so they shut up.

Everything was almost quiet except for the sounds of muffled screams and the sound of the door banging...

There was also quiet whimpering and silent crying?...

I walked over to the closet to see Reaper curled up in a ball, he looked up in fear, "D-Don't hurt me... please...." He said, I sighed, "Please don't be difficult, then I won't hurt you..." I said.

The sound of Khole said 'Don't follow him!' as she begged me to leave Reaper alone. I wrapped Reaper in my strings as I opened a glitch portal to the kingdom as I dragged Reaper with me to the dungeon.

I opened one of the prisons cells and told Reaper to walk in it, he obeyed me as I closed the door and locked him in the cold, stone cell.

"I'll be back to get you...just...stay here..." I said calmly, he nodded as I left to go see Nightmare.

As Error left, Reaper sat in the cell still wrapped in Error strings.

They felt warm and reassuring, it felt like a hug from someone who really cared. The look Error gave, it looked like he cared...he look as if he wanted to reassure me, a small smile was plastered on my face as I sat there, waiting for Error to come back.

When Error walked in the living room, headed to the throne room, he saw his friends on the floor covered in paint. Seems Ink teleported them here, "...I still don't get how Error didn't get hit with paint" Fell said as I chuckled

"Wait, Error did you get the child?!" Cross said worried, "Yeah, he's in the dungeon right now" I said, Cross and the other smiled, "Well that's over! Time to report to Nightmare!" Cross said as the other got up from the ground, "Uh, shouldn't you guys change? Your still covered in paint..." I said, they looked down at they're clothes, "Fine, we can change our clothes, but then we go over to Nightmare straight away!" Cross said as he left.

"Hey Horror!" Killer said, "What?" Horror replied, "You owe me a chocolate bar!" Killer said, "Fine, whatever, but I'm saying you ate his chocolate" Horror said leaving, "Fine by me!" Killer said as he left with Horror as the other left to go change.

I smirked and went over to the kitchen and opened a cabinet. In the cabinet is Cross chocolate, I stole a bar and hid it in my pockets, If he figures out, I'll just blame either Killer or Horror.

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