The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane

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The next day, in the morning Reaper, took Geno to where he was placed as what would be assumed a five year old which was Empireverse.

It was in the same woods he remembered. Geno looked around, "Wow Reaper...where are we?" Geno asked, "Uh-...what was the word?... Medieval Times!" Reaper said, "Or- If you were talking about the AU name, Empireverse," Reaper said

"Empireverse?" Geno questioned, "Yeah...I guess it's the multiverse, but...there are no AUs, only castle, knights...that kind of stuff," Reaper explained

Reaper held Geno's hand and started walking with him. Geno blushed a little as Reaper dragged him around the forest. It was like Reaper was a child pointing out different things that he could remember.

It was after a while that Reaper and Geno stumbled upon a skeleton corpse. It was very familiar to Reaper. It was the dead skeleton of a deer. Reaper walked over to the skeleton body and knelt down to it

He smiled softly at it. Geno was a bit confused. "Is something the matter?" Geno asked, "...This was my first mom," Reaper picked up the skull and stood up, walking back over to Geno to show him.

"I-...when I was younger I was alone till I found this deer...they booped my hand and died...I stayed with them till they were devoured and eaten by hungry wolves," Reaper told him

Geno tried swallowing a sad knot in his throat. "It's why I love deers...they're my favorite animal," Reaper told him. "I'm sure it was a very lovely deer," It was the only thing Geno could say.

Reaper decided to keep the skull as they continued. "Wait...if the deer is here then-" Reaper took Geno's hand and started to drag him somewhere. It was getting more and more familiar to Reaper, it was like instinct.

Reaper soon found where he woke up, where he assumed he was born or made. It looked more flourished than before. The tree he killed more blossomed and bigger than when he woke up for the first time.

"This is where I was made," Reaper told Geno. Geno looked in awe at the beauty. "Wow Reaper," Geno gasped. Reaper giggled a bit at Geno reaction, "It must have been very peaceful to wake up here," Geno smiled

" was confusing for me," Reaper walked over to where he woke up and sat down, the grass curling up and dying under him. Despite that, Reaper had a smile since Geno was here with him.

"Anything else?" Geno asked, "Hmm...nearby should be a small's where I saw my reflection, but- I didn't know at the time," Reaper chuckled nervously, "After the river is a town and castle," Reaper recalled

"Let's go to the town then," Geno smiled. Reaper thought about it, "Maybe..." Reaper remembered how both Nightmare and Dream has died. If he remembers right from reading stuff about kings, queens, prince, and princesses...either they had kids or their advisors are the king and queens

That means that Khole, the small cat-like human and someone in Nightmare's castle is the leader...probably meaning he isn't banned or something like that-

Geno tilted his head, "Maybe?" Geno asked. Reaper waved it off, "Nothing, I was just thinking of some things, we can go there," Reaper stood up and put his hood over his head. "Come on!" Reaper lead the way as Geno followed

They soon passed the river where the fish swam through and where Reaper saw his reflection. They continued till they found houses that lead into a town

Oh right...the first time Reaper experienced trauma and pressure-

Reaper stood close to Geno and tried covering his face more with his hood as Geno gave him a look of worry, "Everything okay?" Geno asked

"Uh- Yeah! I'm...fine," Reaper looked to the side. Geno could tell something was wrong as they stood at the edge of the woods, "You can tell me," Geno reassured.

"Um...look- when I arrived here, things didn't go as planned an uh...I sorta killed a kid here on accident and was threatened a lot and can understand, I'm a bit nervous that the lady son that I killed is still here..." Reaper told Geno

Geno chuckled, "Come on! She's probably so old by now!" Geno grinned, "Y-Yeah...maybe," Reaper looked to the side. "Come on! Let's go!" Geno grabbed his hand. Reaper dropped the deer skull so they don't look too weird

They walked over. There were a few kids, but this one particular person. They had brown hair and seemed energetic. They wore a light blue shirt and black pants.

One of the kids came running up to him, "Mr. Simon! Mr. Simon! Pick me up!" they called

Simon...that kid...when Reaper was catching a ball-

He was much taller, probably the same age as Reaper in which...he was 5 when he was made...then 4 years passed with the wolves- old am I again? Reaper thought to himself. They walked past them, although suddenly while Simon was picking the child up a chill went down his spine. The feeling of nostalgia and deja vu overcame him

He looked around, weary. "Mr. Simon? Something wrong?" the child asked. Simon looked back at the child, "...Of course not Lily go back and play!" Simon put the child down but still felt as if something was up.

Simon looked at the figure that passed him, staring at him with uncertainness and weariness. Lily looked up at Simon, "...Mr. Simon?" she knew something was up, "Hey uh...can you tell Ms. Rosey to bring everyone inside? I-...need to do something," Simon told her

Lily nodded as rushed to go tell Ms. Rosey.

Reaper and Geno kept walking around, them being a strong eyesore from how different they were as Geno kept looking around in awe at how different this world is

Geno couldn't help it. He never really got to explore different worlds and take them in, taking different mental pictures so he could remember these moments forever.

Reaper was more nervous from the many stares they were getting, guiding Geno around, trying to remember everything, though it was hard since he was running away from everyone when he was younger.

They kept walking till they came up to a statue. "Woah!" Geno smiled. Reaper trembled at the sight of it. The statue was of King Nightmare and behind him was King Dream, surrounding close to Nightmare was his knights who died. The ones surrounding Dream was whoever was fighting by his side

"What happened to them?" Geno asked Reaper, "Uh-... I'm not too sure, I just know that...they died fighting in a war...I finished off Dream and Nightmare," Reaper whispered the last part worry that everyone will hear him and riot

"I can only assume an ex-friend of mine is leading this empire," Reaper told him. "Ex-friend?" Geno asked. "Well...King Dream was planning on using me as a tool of war, so he lied about his intention," Reaper huffed

"You really don't like liars do you?" Geno asked, "No...I don't" Reaper looked to the side, "Why?" Geno asked, "I just-...maybe because I'm curious about everything, and I want to learn the truth about everything," Reaper shrugged, "I know I'm probably a hypocrite, only because I'm not sure if they'll be able to handle it," Reaper sighed

"Don't you think that's why everyone lies?" Geno asked, "Not everyone, some people lie to save themselves," Reaper asked, "Well...look at it with someone else perspective...would you really tell the truth to yourself?" Geno asked

Reaper thought about it, "Anyways! Let's keep looking around!" Geno smiled, taking his hand and dragging him away.

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