The Story of a Reaper- Looking in a Maze

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Reaper sat in a separate room from the nurse room. He sat on a medical bed as Sci looked at him in awe. Geno, Ink, Blue, and Dream watched to make sure he didn't do anything
Geno started thinking where Frisk might'll be fine


ATK 9870

DEF 9780

EXP 9678

LV 89


"You have outstanding data! Its...amazing, but quite terrifying at the same time!" Sci admitted. "Heh, at least it isn't as strong as Error" Ink said, crossing his arms with a cocky smirk, "How strong is Error?" I asked, "He has the attack of 99999, and so is all of his data. Killing a whole AU, with many monsters and humans, he get a LOT of EXP..." Ink said

"How long did it take for you to get this strong?" Sci asked me, "Uhm...I started killing when I was first crea-...when I was five basically" I responded.

Almost let that slip out...I better be careful next time...

"When you were five? How old are you now?" Sci asked, "Twenty five" I responded, "So you've been doing this for twenty years?!" Sci seemed surprised, "Yeah?....It's not a big deal is it?" I asked, "For a normal monster, it IS a big deal...but I guess with you, being a god of death, I guess it's sort of normal?...I'm just surprised, your twenty and your already at high stats," Sci said, "Usually it takes a millennia for someone to get to high stats like that!" Sci said.

"Years?" I asked, "How do you think I became so strong?" Ink said. I looked at Ink. He didn't look anything over 20 or more. "How old are you then?" I asked, "Older than you think" Ink said.

I'm not so sure about him...

"Anyways, I can't really do much to him Ink, I'd would need to make physical contact with him to do anything I want to do...the most I could do is probably take samples from him, but other than that, there's not much I can do" Sci said.

I remembered that they could touch my wings...maybe they could heal them?

Soon someone burst through the door. They worn a pinkish purple jacket with a hear in the middle. "Ink! I just got word from Bird that Nightmare are looking for him in Dreamswap forest!" the skeleton said.

"Right, Sci we need to go" Ink said. Sci nodded as Dream and Blue followed him out the room. "Hey...doc?" I spoke.

Lust looked a bit terrified, and Geno noticed. Geno walked over to Lust and moved him away from the room, I heard him talking, but I'm not sure about what.

"Yes?" Sci replied, "Do you know how to heal?" I asked, "Of course, I'm a doctor of course, that's the most basic thing to learn- a-anyways, why do you ask?" Sci asked me.

I opened my large, pitch black wings in front of him, his gaze of awe and amazement was funny to me, "Do you think you can heal me then? It's okay to touch my won't die from touching them" I told him.

Soon Geno came back into the room with Lust. Lust looked nervous, but was calmer than before.

Geno noticed my wings, and how injured I was. "Oh gosh" Geno said, "Are you sure it's s-safe to touch your wings?" Sci asked a bit nervous and unsure of what he was going to choose.

"Yeah, it's fine" I told him. Sci took a step towards me, "Sci, be careful" Geno said, Lust stood behind Geno, still scared.

Sci took his index finger, and slowly trailed his hand to my wings. I waited for him to touch me, but his fear showed. He started to sweat his pupils showed so much fear and terror.

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