The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...

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Fatal_Error opened a portal to Undersail. His slippers hitting and sinking into the sand. Fatal_Error sighed, "I remember this place," he said to himself.

He could even imagine it all. Him...a human...and a known and hated friend...

"Tch- Don't think about that irrelevant idiot! He isn't worth my time," Fatal_Error growled. "Now...I know some monsters live in the ocean...does Papyrus live in the ocean here?" Fatal_Error questioned.

Suddenly Fatal_Error heard a loud splash and looked in the waves to see a huge boat at sail. Fatal_Error grinned seeing monsters on the boat, specifically a tall skeleton monster. "There you are~" Fatal_Error chuckled as his hand reached his mouth before pulling the red string out of his own glitched blood.

He threw his red strings to the ship that wasn't too far as it grabbed onto a pole. The string yanked Fatal_Error to the water of the ocean. Fatal_Error heels kept contacted with the water as he was dragged that way, the rest of his body dry and quickly getting dragged to the ship.

Sans questioned the string, not sure where it came from before he was startled from the sounds of a thud. He went to the side of the ship to check if they had hit anything, but nothing was there. He shrugged it off and went back to look at the string again, but it wasn't there anymore.

Sans got bad vibes and teleported next to Papyrus who was at the wheel of the ship, "Nyeh?" Papyrus questioned, "Nothing, nothing," Sans told him.

Papyrus shrugged it off as well. Fatal_Error, on the other hand, was near the sails, hiding from the rest of the crew, but trying to get closer to Papyrus.

Sans looked up at the sails just in case, watching for anything suspicious. He's heard of a skeleton that'll try and kidnap there brother. He wasn't sure why they'd do such a thing, or what they're doing with them, but he doesn't want to risk his brother getting stolen.

Sans continued to look as Fatal_Error hid in the thick parts of the sail, so it'd be harder to see him. He wishes it wasn't day time. "Say, Brother! How about we go pick up supplies then look for treasure!" Papyrus grinned.

Sans looked at Papyrus and smiled, as Fatal_Error grinned and took this opening. "Sure Paps!" Sans smiled. Sans looked back up towards the Sails as Papyrus turned the boat, just a little to the northeast side.

It was only for a few seconds they went that direction before the whole boat was turned to the right, to full east, then south, then...west? Sans noticed they were going in circles and he turned to his side to see that Papyrus had disappeared.

"PAPYRUS?!" Sans exclaimed. Sans looked around frantically before someone called Sans to take control of the ship. Sans asked them where Papyrus went, but they shrugged.

Where Papyrus was, is under the boat, drowning a little with Fatal_Error.

Fatal was trying to copy his body, but Papyrus would keep trying to cut Fatal_Error with his sword, and kept struggling out of his grasp, trying to get to the surface, but Fatal_Error wouldn't let him.

Fatal_Error tied him in the water with string as he struggled and started to sink. Fatal_Error grabbed him and copied him. Papyrus lost his breath and started to get light headed, so did Fatal_Error.

Fatal_Error started to swim up to the surface with Papyrus. He took a deep breath once there, while Papyrus wasn't breathing from water being in his ectolungs-

Fatal_Error climbed on the ship and to the deck. The monsters noticed him and looked at him weirdly before Fatal_Error dropped Papyrus to the ground.

Fatal_Error kept taking deep breathes before walking to the blank and jumping off and back into the ocean, before swimming off.

Sans stopped controlling the boat and rush over to Papyrus, giving him CPR, trying to make him breathe again while Fatal_Error swam off and back to the beachside.

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