The Story of a Reaper- I know How to find Life

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As Chara walked back to the hole she fell down from, she saw Flowey, soaking in a few rays of sunlight. "Oh! Hiya Chara! Seems liked you finally did the job right?" Flowey said with sinister smile of excitement, "Yeah, without YOUR HELP!" Chara growled, as Flowey gave a nervous smile. "Your no help to me, just a waste of my time...your in my way Flowey..." Chara said.

Flowey gulped down a very hard knot in his throat, "And you know what I do when things are in my way...RIGHT?!" Chara said as her evil grin grew. Flowey coward in fear, "W-Wait! I-I h-have an i-idea for y-you!!" Flowey said.

"I'm listening...since this will be the only way you'll get to live..." Chara said, as she gave a serious, angry look at Flowey. Flowey felt nervous.

"W-Well...Gods can't die! You should know t-that Chara-"


Flowey squeaked in fear, "I-I w-wasn't f-finished!" Flowey said, "Well then HURRY UP!" Chara yelled. "L-Life entity s-still exist...s-so...y-you n-need to t-trap it a-and hide it a-away b-before the others f-find her!" Flowey said, sweat falling down his face.

"Hmpt! If I would of KNOWN would be dead...your lucky I have to deal with this bullshit now! But when I get back, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE!" Chara said, with a devilish voice.

Flowey squeaked in fear again, and nodded, as Chara ran off to find Life entity, "H-Hey! Wait!" Flowey called, "What now?!??" Chara yelled, "Let me help! I know how to find her!!!" Flowey said.

"Well then, come on flower! Gosh your a real idiot sometimes!" Chara said. Flowey felt bad of himself, but ignored it for the time being, and attached himself to Chara arm.

"So! How do we going to find Life?" Chara asked, "First, we need to find Sans scythe, yours is too small" Flowey said, "Are you trying to make me kill you?" Chara asked Flowey with a displeased look, "N-NO! I-I mean...Sans has more magic in it, NOT TO OFFEND YOU! But...that's what we need" Flowey said, "How are we going to get it from Reaper? I'm supposed to be dead!" Chara said, "We'll get it from the Mirror of the truth, but...we need to get rid of someone...we need to get rid of Gaster" Flowey said

"OOO~ I LIKE HOW YOU THINK!" Chara said with an evil grin, "Once we get the scythe, it should show us where she is...she's the strongest entity of life here, so it MUST lead us to her. That is...if it's willing to obey" Flowey said. 

"Obey? What you mean? The scythe gotta mind of it's own?" Chara asked, "I think, it's just a theory, I haven't seen Sans take his scythe out too many times" Flowey responds, "You better pray that it works for me flower, or your life is on a very thin line..." Chara warned Flowey, as Flowey got more sweaty

...He wish he hadn't said that...

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