11 | hope

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Jungkook's pov:

A few days pass; none of us even dare to bring up the topic of what went down between us, as if it never happened. We continued our usual activities like going to work, our paths not once crossing.

Saturday came.

I grabbed my clothes and a towel and was about to enter the bathroom when- Taehyung was trying to do the same. Now we were both stuck by the door, standing awkwardly.

"Oh uh you can go first it's fine." I said while stepping back.

"It's okay I can wait.." Taehyung stopped me.

"No don't worry, just go in." I sighed.


"I mean we can just shower together—"


"-what? Just kidding haha.. unless?..." Taehyung stormed in without another word and shut the door behind him, locking it.

I just stood there confused. What? Just?? Happened???

I snapped out of my trance when I heard the water turn on, going back to our shared bedroom and plopping down on my bed.

Me and Taehyung haven't talked for what seemed like months, but in reality it was only about a week. We just did out best to avoid each other, but it was hard since I missed how playful and goofy we'd usually be together. Now it felt.. quiet. Too quiet. And awkward. Just seeing the older's face made all my insides burst with butterflies, which was never the case before. Well at least not as strongly.

I waited until Taehyung was done and took my turn in showering, not even meeting his eyes as we passed each other.

After I was done I went to the bedroom, towel in my hand as I dried my still damp hair. Taehyung seemed to just be standing still and facing the wall, not moving an inch. I observed him for a moment to see if he's even breathing. What kind of drugs is this guy on today?

"Taehyung?" I asked, only becoming frustrated and confused as the time passed.

I heard him mumble something under his breath. "What?" I asked, walking closer to him.

"I miss you.." he mumbled, turning around and looking at me with slightly red eyes. He's been crying.

My expression softened at that as I threw my towel on my bed and stepped in front of him. "Oh Tae.." I frowned and cupped his face. He wrapped his arms around my torso and hugged me close. I hugged back, my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry that things got.. so weird around us. I miss how we used to be." I whispered to which Taehyung nodded.

We hugged for a moment before moving away. "Hey look that night.. let's just forget it yeah? We were both just caught up in the moment and it doesn't mean anything. We can go back to being normal around each other." I said.

Although this is not what I want at all and I felt stupid saying that, I know that this was the right thing to do. It's better than getting rejected and it's not like I'm not used to this mental torture already anyway.

It was silent for a moment before Taehyung nodded. "Yeah.. I'd like that."

Again, not the answer I wanted to hear but what did I expect? Yeah it's disappointing that he'll never return my feelings, but I can still have that little bit of hope that maybe one day.

We ended up playing video games just like we usually would, laughing together and just being overall more comfortable around each other again. We ordered a pizza (which this time actually came) and stayed up past midnight talking about everything and nothing. And even though I knew nothing really changed, there was still something that felt off.

Guess only time will show how things unravel.

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