(A/N I was tagged for the first time so here we go, welcome to my autobiography)

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1. Kenny-g
2. Brown
3. Now it's pink ig
4. I'm 75% sure I'm not all the way straight
5. Rainbows hehe
6. My bed ehehe
7. Uhm does bakugou count or no? Tom Holland is great too 😅
8. My cat (and bunny and fish I love them all)
9. Olivia  (By One direction I think? My brain isn't working right now it's pretty late)
10. Ooh that's a tough one, there was this series I think it was called the sisters Grimm? It was the best book series ever (I was littler then but I have fond memories of reading it so that's my top right now)

Sorry to bug ya'll with this, I haven't done one of these before. Also I'm gonna try to update soon. Sorry.
Love you kiddos.
Thanks for 123k!!
<3 Kendall
Oh wait I'm not done, you guys wanted Yuutos quirk so because this isn't a chapter I'll tell you
***Broken Love Spoilers Ahead***

Okay it's gravity manipulation: not like ochaco but like he can make you lose your balance or make you crumple to the ground by increasing magnetic pull just by looking at you but he has to be within 100 meters of you for it to work. It takes a good hour to recover from his quirk if he hits you full blast. He's been fine tuning his physical attacks too so he'll beat you up while you're down from his quirk.
I hope that made sense. More on that later.
!if I decide to alter or change his quirk, I'll update this part and let y'all know! Stay tuned!

Broken Love ~ BakuDeku ( Villain Deku x Bakugou )Where stories live. Discover now