Your Smiles Are Giving Me All Types Of Treble.

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I frown. "Two years?"

Gerard smiles. "Yeah."

"How? I mean no one even guessed. Seriously, two years?" I'm speechless.

Gerard laughs. "I guess we're good actor's. "

I pulled myself together. "Why was it kept a secret?"

"To save the hassle of having to worry about the admirers. No one bothers you if your happily married. "

"Good point. So why speak up now?"

"Lyn-z is seeing someone and has been seen. They've branded her as a cheat." He shook his head. "That's not fair. She doesn't deserve that."

Such a nice guy. "So at least your friends. That's a good thing."

Gerard smiled again. "Yeah. We are."

"So what now for you both?"

"Well Lyn-z is happy with her new man." He smirks. "I may be looking for another Way."

I shake my head. "Funny."

"Seriously. I have my eye on someone I saw a week ago."

"Oh? What's she like?" Now I am intrigued. Who is she?

He smiles again. "Her smiles make me melt inside. She is so...amazing. She is so lovely to everyone. She doesn't realise how special she really is. I want to get to know her more. But I don't know how to go about it."

I smile. "She sound's great. You should talk to her. Tell her all this."

"I have. But she has problems I don't know anything about and I don't want to hurt her." He frowned.

I know how she feels. "That's so sweet. Maybe you should ask her out for a drink or something? Maybe get to know her? Maybe she will eventually open up to you?"

Gerard smiled again."You think I should?"

"Yeah. What you got to lose? Worst she can say is no. You could try again another time then."

"Do you recommend a good place I could take her?"

I tap the empty notepad with the pen and stare into space as I try to think of good places to go. "Maybe 'My Romance' the nightclub or for somewhere quiet, 'Pumpkin Pie' the coffee shop." I pause while I think of other places. "Or there's another two nightclubs called 'Chemical Love' and 'Jet Star's'. Or...."

Gerard laughs. "Are they all MCR related?"

I feel myself blush. "Yeah. I believe the owner is a big fan."

"Oh?" He looks straight at me. "You know them?"


"So which one do you like best then?"

"Errr. Normally I go to My Romance. The regulars are really nice and there's not often any trouble there. The owner is strict about making it a safe place." He's really staring at me now. He's making me feel strange.

Yet another smile from Gerard. "So what time can I pick you up?"

My jaw drops open. What? He was talking about me? He first saw me a week ago? I close my mouth and stare back. What do I say? "Are you messing with me?" I finally say. He has to be. That's the only explanation I could come up with.

Gerard laughs. "No. I'm being deadly serious." He leans forward so he's closer to me. He never takes his eyes off my face. "I saw you sitting in that coffee shop, staring at the people passing by. In a world of your own. With a cup in your hands. I sat down in the park and watched you as you turned to the coffee shop guy and smiled at him. Then you get up and leave in the black limo out front. You've been there every day for a week now. Always the same place, the same time and always for half an hour. I want to get to know you."

This is a lot to take in. "You don't have any kind of relations with fans. I'm a fan."

"I'll make an exception. Well? What time and where?"

I can't seem to move. Gerard fucking Way has just asked me out. I have to be dreaming, right? I mean I've been a fan since day one of MCR and Gerard Way. This isn't real. Is it?

Gerard touches my hand and I snap out of my thoughts with a jump. He withdraws his hand and looks worried. "I'm sorry. I...I forgot...."

"At the nightclub at 8pm." I say. His expression changes to confusion then happiness. "Just tell the guy on the door your looking for me."

Gerard smiles again. This is becoming quite a habit. "Thank you." He says as we stand up. "I'll see you tonight at 8pm then." He leans forward as if he's going to kiss me, then pulls back."I'm sorry. Can I...errr...kiss your cheek?" His eyes are pleading with me.

Wow. "Errr...y....yes?" I manage to croak out.

Yet another smile graces Gerards face as he leans over to me and grazes my cheek with his lips. I'm blushing again. I can feel it as he moves away slightly and stares at my lips. He gulps. He closes his eyes as he moves away. When he opens them, he smiles. "See you tonight." He whispers. Then leaves.

I sit back down. I feel like this has to be a dream.

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