I'll Hide Away.

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Frank's P.O.V

I rushed forward as the front door opened. Dee collapsed in my arms. I motioned to Oli. He rushed forward and took her out of my arms and walked to the couch to lay her down. My phone rang on cue. I looked at the screen. Gerard.

Gerard's P.O.V

It's been six hours now and still no sign of Dee. I have to go home. I call my manager and postpone the rest of the tour. Then I book a flight. I'll be on a plane in ten minutes. I called Frank every half hour. Now I'm in chicago, heading home. I call Frank again. He answers straight away.

Frank: "Hey, Gee..."

Me: "It's been nine hours, Frank. Have you heard."

Frank: "She just got back."

I smile and sigh in relief. Dee's back.

Me: "Is she okay? Where was she? Can I speak to her?"

Frank: "One at a time. We don't know where she was. She just walked in the front door in her bed clothes. She has a cut on her right cheek. It's bruised that side too. Her bare feet look a little scratched and dirty. Her arms are the same. Her clothes are a little dirty too. She passed out as soon as the door opened but I caught her. Oli put her on the couch while I answered the phone to you. Bob's on the phone to Ed as we speak."

Me: "I'm outside now."

I put the phone down, pay the driver, climb out the car and grab my luggage from the boot. Frank was in the doorway when I rushed up to the door. He grabs my bags as I rush past and rush straight into the lounge. I freeze at the door. Oli, Billie, Brendan, Jeremy, Amy and Ray were surrounding the couch. But what made me freeze was Mikey who was sat next to Dee as she laid unconscious. He looked so worried about her. He was stroking her hair and mumbling things to her.

"Come on, Dee, Hon." He mumbled. "I need to know your okay. Gerard needs to know your okay. Come on sis. Please wake up."

Dee groaned and Mikey got excited. "Dee?" He eyes fluttered open and I rushed forward. Mikey moved out of my way and I took his place.

"Dee?" I said, kissing her lips lightly.

"Why aren't you on tour?" She tried to snap, but failed.

I smiled. "I love my fans an all that. But you are my top priority. They will understand."

Dee shook her head. "But..."

I interrupted her. "No buts, baby. I refuse to not be here with you after whats happened." I pause. "What did happen, sweetie?"

She pushed herself up to a sitting position and grabbed my hands. "Pete Draven took me to the abandoned theatre."

"Son of a bitch. I'll fucking skin him alive." I say through gritted teeth. I could hear various other forms of what each person in the room was going to do to him. But Dee shut us all up.

"STOP IT." She shouted. We all froze and stared at her in shock. "He's ill." She explains. "Alan made him do it." Everyone frowned. "Alan is his friend who's always with him. Like on the night he hit me."

I frowned. "Dee, there was only you and Pete there when Ray got there."

"Exactly. Alan isn't real." She sighed. "Pete asked me for help. He asked me to get him locked up so he couldn't hurt me anymore. He said he's loved me since he first met me. Apparently Alan told him to force me if I rejected him."

We all listen in stunned silence as she explained everything. "I'm just really tired now." She said, sleepily. "What with Bob's snoring, the argument, then Pete. It's been...god knows how long since I've slept."

I pick her up and head for the stairs. "Tell Ed she's sleeping and not to disturb her." I say to Frank as I head for the stairs. I stop at the bottom and turn round. I look at all the people there. They stared back at me. "Thank you guys. Dees so damn lucky to have you as friends."

Oli grinned. "Lover in my case?"

I laugh. "You wish."

Everyone laughs. I look down at Dee in my arms. She's asleep already. I turn and take her to our bedroom. I lay her on the bed. She should really shower first.

Maybe if I lock the door, we can just stay here, alone, forever. I'll hide away with Dee. Then no one can hurt her again. Of course I know I can't do that. But I can for a few hours. I lock the bedroom door and prepare to wake Dee for a shower.

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