But Even Lights Can Fade Away

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Gerard's P.O.V

I stared at the blond doctor as he spoke to me. I just want my Dee to be okay.

"I'm sorry but Dee is in fact on the verge of a breakdown." Dr Carter stated as we sat on the couch. "But you need to be patient with her. She will act like she's given up on everything. You need to remind her how much you love her. The sooner we can snap her out of it, the safer it will be for the babies. Now I've been led to believe that a Mr Bryar took charge on several occasions and snapped people out of the shock when she went missing before?"

I frowned. "How did you know that?"

"I've known a Matthew Hardwick for a long time." He answered. "He knows Dee and knew Ed. Dee knows him as Matty. Matty told me when he heard the call come through about her."

Bob stepped forward. "I'm Bob Bryar."

Dr Carter looked up at him and smiled. "Dee's going to need your kind of tough love. It may help her snap out of it sooner." He looked back at me. "She's going to need everyone she can around her. Did something traumatic happen prior to the breakdown?"

I nod. "She lost her brother, her Dad, her Dad's girlfriend and four very close friend's in a car crash."

"Then four friends betrayed her last night." Frank added.

Dr Carter nodded. "Alongside two kidnappings, rape and being buried alive. That will definitely do it." I frowned again. "Sorry. I knew Ed too. We were good friends. He was a good man. The best."

Dee's P.O.V

I closed my eyes as tears clouded my sight. Everything is pointless. I can't see the point any more. Why make friend's if your only going to lose them? And that bloody doctor can't help. What's he going to do? Bring Ed back? Or Dad? Or Helena, Geena, Ste, Sam, Sues? No. What about Mum? No. So what can he do? I fucking hate my life.

I open my eyes as the door opens. Gerard walks in. "Hey, baby." He says quietly as he sits on the edge of the bed. I would turn away. But i can't be bothered. So i just close my eyes and try to ignore him. He's going to leave me soon aswell. So what does it matter.

"Come downstairs?"

I don't answer.

He grabs my hand. Again i can't be bothered to move. So i let him hold it.

"Please?" I don't answer. So he sigh's and shouts for Bob.

I hear Bob stomp in. "What's up?" He asks.

Gerard lets go of my hand and stands up. "She's not answering me. She won't move. I know she's not asleep."

I hear movement, then I'm lifted off of the bed. My eyes fly open to see i am being carried from the room by Bob. "Put me down." I snap. He ignores me. He drops me onto the couch then glares down at me.

"Now listen here Mrs Way. You will not spend your time in bed. You will spend time down here with your husband and your friends. I will not take no for an answer. You will do as your told and like it. Do you fucking hear me?"

I freeze up and stare at him in shock. I don't answer.

"I said do you fucking hear me?"

I nod in agreement. His face softens and he look's at Gerard. "Over to you." He moves away and Gerard sits down beside me. Mikey walks over and kneels by the couch beside me. I look from Bob to Gerard, to Mikey. Mikey smiles.

"Please don't give up, Dee."He says. Tears in his eyes. "We can't lose you. We all love you so much." He grabs my hand and rests his head on my shoulder. I can already feel my heart melting. Then i hear another voice.

"I'm sorry, Dee." Jeremy steps forward. "I'm glad i broke the pact. We should have been honest with you from day one. We've scrapped it. We aren't going anywhere. As long as your okay with that?"

I look at Gerard with wide eyes. He smiles. "We talked, babe." He looks at Jeremy as Oli, Brendon and Amy walk over to join him. Then he looks back to me. "I trust them. Even if i didn't. I trust you. I can't let them leave your life. I know how much you love them. I'm okay with that."

Frank and Ray walk over to the back of the couch. Bob in tow. They all look down at me.

"Please don't leave us, Dee."Ray says.

"Who would i have to lock me in a locker if you weren't here?" Frank said with a choked laugh.

Billie, Chester, Tre, Hayley, JJ, Arnie, MC, Mark, Mike, Patrick, Pete, Taylor and Vic stepped into view. My eyes flickered around each person. Everyone i care about is here. What the fuck was i thinking? I notice my shoulder is getting a little wet. I look down at Mikey. Tears have escaped and were running down his face. I cry out and pull him into a hug.

"I'm not going anywhere." I look at Frank. "Like Frank said, who will lock him in lockers if I'm not here?"I pull away from a now smiling Mikey and walk over to Jeremy. "Don't you ever walk away from me again. Do you hear me?" He look's down at the floor and nods. I pull him, Oli , Brendon and Amy into a four way hug. "I love you guy's. Don't ever leave me again." I pull away and head back to Gerard. I sit on his knees and wrap my arms around his neck. "You are an amazing husband, Gerard Arthur Way."I say. Then i kiss him.

"Dee's back."Bob shouts fisty bumping the air. "Whoop."

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