You Belong To Me I Believe

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Gerard's P.O.V

I woke to a sleeping Dee cuddled into my left side. Her head resting on my arm. I smile as I turn on my side to face her. Pushing a stray hair behind her ears, I kiss her forehead. I can't believe she trusts me enough to do that. After everything she's been through, she had every right to refuse any kind of intimacy. But she'd trusted me. If I ever had doubts about her feelings for me, she'd proved there is no doubt. She loves me and she belongs to me I believe. Not that she's a possession. But you get what I mean. I closed my eyes and drifted off into dream world again.

Dee's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and came face to face with Gerard. I smile at his sleeping face. I don't regret anything. I love him so much. He's everything I could ever want and more. I lean over and kiss his forehead. Carefully I lift his arm off of me and rest it on the bed. I get up and off the bed, get dressed and head downstairs. My phone rings as I head to the kitchen.

Gerard's P.O.V

I open my eyes to see...nothing? Sitting up, I look around the room. Nothing. I head to the bathroom, pulling on my boxer shorts and jeans. Empty. I grab my t-shirt and pull it over my head then put on my black converse. I head down stairs. Not in the lounge. Probably in the kitchen. I stop by the kitchen door as I hear talking.

"" Dee's saying. "Not possible. I was there remember. " pause. "But I saw..." another pause. "Where?" I heard a bang and pushed open the door. The phone is broken on the floor and Dee is shaking., leaning against the worktop.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I ask as I take her in my arms. She stays silent. I rub my hands up and down her back. I guide her to the lounge and sit her on the sofa. There's a knock at the door. "I'll be right back, sweetheart." I said, then headed to see who was at the door.

Frank's P.O.V

Gerard gestured for us to go in. He looks kind of distracted. Somethings wrong. I head for the lounge with Ray, Bob, Mikey and the Stones in tow. I rushed to crouch infront of Dee when I saw the scared look on her face. "Dee?" I whispered. "What's wrong?"

She looked at me and shook her head. "I can't....." She looked around at the other people in the room. Gerard sat down next to her and put his left arm around her shoulders and his free hand on her knee. Her eyes moved to his hand. She grabbed his hand in both of hers and said nothing.

I look at Gerard. He looks concerned. "What's happened, Gerard?"

He looks at me and shakes his head. "I don't know." He mutters as he looks at Dee. "She was talking on the phone in the kitchen. I heard a bang so I opened the door. She was just stood there. The phone broken on the floor. So I brought her in here. Then you lot turned up."

Ste stepped forward. "Did you hear anything?"

Everyone except Dee looked at Gerard. He looked at Ste. "Err...but how? Not possible. I was there remember. But I saw. Then she said where? Then the bang."

"No." Ste whispered as he stared at Dee. All eyes turned to Ste. "Fuck no." He knelt by Dee. He put a hand on her shoulder, lightly. "Where, Dee?"

Her eyes shot up to meet with Ste's. "But it's not possible. " She protested. "I mean....I was there....I saw..."

Ste shook his head. "Where, Dee?"

"Chicago. Near 'Pancake Report'"

I looked at Dee then back at Ste. Gerard does the same thing. Then all eyes turn to Geena as she cries out. "No."

Sam and Sues catch on and Sues wraps her arms round Sam. Burying her head in his hoodie.

Gerard looks back at Ste. "What the fuck is going on?"

Ste looks back at Dee. She looks at Gerard. Gerard looks back at Dee. She swallows. "He's back." Is all she says. Everyone gets it then.

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