I'll Be Here Waiting Babe

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Next morning>>>>>>>>>>

Dee's P.O.V

This can't be happening. What have I done wrong? I just can't seem to get any luck. Why do I keep getting all the bad things happen to me? All I want is to live my life with Gerard. Is that too much to ask? I look at him as he sits beside the hospital bed. He's chewing his bottom lip. His eyes pointed towards our joined hands but staring into space. I love him so much but have brought him so much grief. He deserves better. I'm being selfish staying with him. I know that. But I can't seem to let him go. I can't live without him. He's everything to me. I groan, quietly, in frustration. Gerard must have heard me, because he looks up and locks his perfect eyes to mine and gives me a sad lop sided smile.

"It'll be okay, hon." He says. "I'll be here waiting with you, babe. We won't have to wait much longer. The doctor will be here soon." He stands up to kiss me, briefly.

As if on cue, a small red headed woman wearing a doctor's coat, walked in. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Way." She greeted. Watching Gerard with open interest. "My name is Dr Jeanette Harper. You can call me Jeanie." Still watching Gerard.

I look at Gerard. He hasn't noticed her interest in him. "We just want to know if the baby is okay." He mutters.

The younger woman smiles at him, then sets up the baby scan machine, squirting a little of the cold gel on my stomach. "Let's see shall we." She says as she finally tears her eyes away from Gerard to look at the screen. She puts the hand scanner thing on my stomach and presses down slightly. After a few minutes, she speaks. "Well I see three little heart beats here."

"What?" Both Gerard and myself say together.

The doctor giggles. "It seems you are having triplets. " She states. "And they are very much alive. I can tell you the sex too, if you like?" She looks at Gerard again. Okay I'm gonna punch her in a minute if she doesn't stop ogling my husband.

Gerard squeezes my hand. I look at him. He's watching me. "What do you think, sweetheart?" He asks me.

"I think we should find out." I say. "I hate neutral colours all the time."

He smiles. "Ok." He says, not taking his eyes off of mine. "We'd like to know, thank you."

I look back at the doctor. She looks slightly pissed at Gerard but hides it quick as she looks back at the screen. "Now let's see." She starts. "You are having a boy, a girl and another boy. So a girl and two boys." She smiles at Gerard again.

I look at him too. He's smiling at me. "A girl and two boys, Dee." He says quietly. "Can we get scan pictures, please?" He asks, giving the doctor a large smile.

I look back at the now blushing woman. She's grinning. "Of course." She says as she turns back to the scanner. I grin as I realise that she maybe a little star struck. Suddenly I don't want to punch her anymore. She's just a fan. I'll have to get used to the flirting and the looks.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

One hour later. 10:00 am.

"We're having a girl." Gerard said to the guys, the Stones, Dad, Ed and Helena. They were all waiting in our lounge.

"The baby's okay then?" Bob asked with a smile.

Gerard grinned. "Babies." He corrected.

Frank jumped up. "Twins?"

Gerard's grin widened as he rested his chin on my shoulder and reached his arms around my waist to rest his hands on my stomach. "Nope." He said. "Triplets. "

Geena and Sues screeched and hugged their husbands. Ed, Bob, Ray, Frank and Mikey looked shocked. Helena grabbed Marcus's hand. "Your going to be a grandad to triplets, darling." I smiled. I loved Helena being with Dad. They make a great couple.

"So a girl and...?" Frank asked.

"Two boys." I added.

The room suddenly erupted into cheers and we were getting hugs from each of them.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

11:00 PM

Gerard pulled me into his arms as we climed into bed. I rested the back of my head on his left shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. We stayed like that for about twenty minutes.

"You never even notice when someone is flirting with you, do you?" I suddenly ask.

Gerard turns me to look at him. "What?"

I turn on my side and lean on my elbow. I rest my hand on his chest as I look into his eyes. He's frowning. "The doctor was flirting with you and you never even noticed did you?"

"Honestly, no." He said. "Damn. Did I miss an opportunity there?" He fakes disappointment.

I punch his shoulder lightly. "Your a idiot."

He pushes me on my back then climbs on top of me, laughing. "Punching me now?" He says, trying to be serious. "Now I have to punish you." I kind of like the sound of that.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask with a grin. I wiggle my hips slightly. He groans as the move causes friction to his already hard member.

"I'm going to use your beautiful body for my own pleasure."He said as he run his right hand down my naked body. We don't always bother to wear clothes in bed. Theres no point. They don't normally stay on for long anyway.

He moved down as his hand rubbed a trail up and down my inner thigh. He began trailing kisses down my chest, slowly. Stopping at each breast to suck on each erect nipple. I groaned and arched my head back in pleasure. His hand moved to insert a finger inside me. I reached both hands to tangle my fingers in his hair and arched my back as he inserted two more fingers and began to move then around.

"Oh god." I groaned, arching my back again.

"God can't save you now." He said as he removed his hand and replacing his fingers with his member instead. He pushed himself fully in as he kissed my lips passionately. My back arched again as he began to move, slowly at first, then gradually getting faster. "I love you, Mrs Dee Way." He groaned out in pleasure as he moved faster and faster.

"I love you, Gee." I managed to moan out as we both climaxed together.

He pulled out of me and dropped onto the bed to my right, pulling me into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder and my arm across his chest. We drifted to sleep, blissfully happy, in each other's arms

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