Get Me The Hell Out Of Here

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Dee's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Three months later.

I watch from the sidelines as Gerard sings for the thousands of people in the audience. I see a few fans at the front pointing towards me as he finishes his last note. Then something weird happens.

"Thank you." Gerard shouts. But then everyone starts shouting. But not for Gerard to sing more. I freeze up. Please tell me this isn't going to turn into a riot.

"What is it you want?" Gerard asks, then holds the microphone out to the crowd and cups a ear.

"Dee. Dee. Dee." They chant. I freeze and my eyes go wide as Gerard smiles and looks at me.

"You want Dee?" He shouts turning to the crowd again. They cheer. Gerard looks back at me. I shake my head. He looks back at the crowd. "I think my lovely wife is a little shy. She needs more encouragement." He is so dead.

I know what this is about. Music Biz writers brought out a biography on my life. Behind my back I might add. After I won the Yummy Mummy of the fucking year. It's was fixed if you ask me. But the public decided. When they found out that I bought companies out and kept the staff, they wrote into the mag in millions. They found out about the fan with the gun too. Apparently now I'm their hero for saving my own husband and brother in law. People are so weird.

"If you shout loud enough, maybe you can coax her out." Gerard shouted. He looked back at me, grinning. I am so gonna wipe that smile off his face later. Smug idiot. "Come on, sweetheart." He coaxed. "These lovely people want to see you. You can't deny them when they're asking so nicely." Shit. I wonder how many ways I can make him suffer for this.

"You are so dead." I mouth to him as I head towards him with a smile. He laughs then holds out the microphone to me. He puts a arm around my shoulders. "Err...hi." I say to the audience. "I'm not sure what to say." I admit. "I don't usually have to talk to a crowd as big as this."

"Is there going to be a collaboration between you and Gerard?" Someone shouted.

I frown. "A collaboration between me and Gerard?" I ask, stunned.

The crowd go wild. "Yes. Yes. Yes." They start chanting.

I look at Gerard. "A collaboration. ...."

He smiles and takes the mic back. "There could be."

I look at him in surprise. What was he doing?

"Will you two do a couples photo shoot for the mag? With posters?" Someone shouted. I looked to see who it was. A pretty teenage red headed girl asked.

"Do you want us to?" Gerard asked. The crowd cheered. "Then I guess we're doing a couples photo shoot. With posters."

I looked back at Gerard. What is he doing? I didn't agree to that.

"Can I ask Dee something?" I looked down at a short dark haired girl as Gerard passed me the mic.

"Err...sure." I muttered.

"Would you have taken the bullet to save Mikey?" She asked. "I mean, I know you would for Gerard because he's your husband. But what about if it was someone else? Me for example? Or someone else here?"

Well that one's easy. "I would have taken a bullet for Mikey." I answered. "And yes I would take the bullet for anyone who doesn't deserve to die. It's who I am."

Gerard leaned towards the mic. "Dee has always been a selfless person." He explained. "You just have to be around her for a few seconds and you immediately fall in love with her. Just ask her many friends. "He smiles at me and the crowd awww.

"Do you have any famous friends?" I turn my head to look at the dark haired boy.

"A few." I answer.

"Like who?"

I sigh. "Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob."

The boy laughs. "I mean besides them."

I smile. "I met a lot of people through the mag." I said. "If you read the mags, you know my friends."

"Who is your best friend?" A ginger girl asked.

I laugh. "I'm not going to answer that one. Oli, Billie, Jeremy and Brendon will slaughter me."

The crowd laugh.

"Will you be at all of Gerard's concerts?" A dark haired boy asked.

Gerard leaned forward. "I hope so."

I smile. "Only if he doesn't drag me on stage for question time again."

The crowd laugh again.

"Will you be signing autographs later, Dee?" A blond kid asked, blushing.

"You got a admirer." Gerard whispered in my ear. "Yes." He said out loud. "At the signing tent with me. There will be three lines. Just for me. Just for Dee and one for both."

The crowd cheered again.

"Do we get to meet your kids at some point?" A blond girl asked.

"I'm not sure just yet." I answered. I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable now.

"Okay, everyone." Gerard said, taking the microphone from me. "Time's up."

They all groaned.

"Signing will be in one hour. Thank you for coming and good night." He put the mic near me so I could say good night too. Then he put his arm around my waist and guided me off the stage.

I punched his arm a soon as we were out of sight.

He rubbed his arm. "What was that for?" He asked with a grin.

"You encouraged them to get me on stage. Then you said we were doing a collaboration. Not to mention the photo shoot and posters. And the sign...." I was cut off by Gerard's lips on mine.


Poor Dee's overwhelmed. Comment and rate,

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