To Let You Know How Much You Mean To Me

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Dee's P.O.V

"This has been fun, guys." I said. "I don't want all this to end." I turned away from them all as i felt tear's forming in my eyes.

Ste rushed over to me. "Dee? What did he say to you?"

"I have to say something."I said. "Please sit back down. It's time."

"No." The Stone family chorused.

"Please, Ste. Sit down. I have to..."

Ste sat down and i turned to see all eye's on me. Everyone looked worried. The Stone's looked upset. I took a deep breath. "I love you guy's. I hope you know that."

Ray smiled. "We love you too,Dee." He said. Everyone agreed.

"But i have to ..."

The normally strong Deena began to cry. "Please don't go, Dee." She said. Ste put his arm's round her. Sam hugged Sues as she began to cry.

Bob frowned. "What?" He asked. "Your leaving?"

"You can't go." Mikey piped up. "I only just got the privilege to meet you."

"You can't go. You can't leave." Frank said.

"No." Gerard said, staring at me. "I...I can't..."

I shook my head. "Guy's, please calm down." I ran my finger's through my hair. "I haven't told you all something and it's very hard for me to talk about."

Ray leaned forward. "Whatever it is, we're here for you."

"Yeah." Bob chimed in. Is that a tear in his eye? Big tough Bob has a tear in his eye? "Please don't leave. We'll do whatever it take's to keep you here."

"Thank you. But you really need to listen." I looked at Ste and he shook his head. "I have to. I trust them." Ste closed his eyes then opened them and nodded. I let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding. I turned back to the group. "When i came to Chicago, i was on the run. Not from the police but my... my dad." I paused. No going back now. "When i was ten, mum told me why he wasn't with us. She said he'd tried on several occasions to kill her." I looked at Ray as i heard a shocked gasp. "Mum tried to tell the police what was happening but they thought she was having a re-lapse. Mum had been in a institution before i was born. But she kept to the pills and was better. She said she feared for my life too. Just before my eleventh birthday, mum re-wrote her will. I was to inherit everything. She didn't want him to get his hand's on any of it. I asked her why she chose then to change it. She said because she didn't have long left. I didn't understand what she meant." I closed my eye's as the memories flooded back. I opened them when i felt a hand grab my hand. I looked at Gerard and gave him a weak smile. Then i looked down at our linked hands on the table. I took a deep breath then carried on."Two weeks before my twelfth birthday, i was in maths class when the headmaster came in for me. I was sat in his office when he told me. He said that mum was in a car accident. Her brakes failed. But i knew that he'd cut them."I paused and put my free hand on the table. Everyone, except Gerard, leaned forward and grabbed my hand. I smiled up at them. I was so lucky to have such great friend's. Gerard squeezed my other hand. I smiled at him.

"You don't have to say anymore, Sweetheart." He said.

I shook my head. "I need to." I said. I looked back at the others. "The police took me to Gavin Taylor."

"Oh shit." Bob said quietly.

I looked at Bob. "He made the police think he couldn't do no wrong. He even convinced me. Until the police went." I shivered. Gerard put his arm round my shoulders.I pulled away and looked at him. "Don't. I'm finding this hard enough. You'll make me cry. Thank you for the thought though."

He smiled slightly. "If you change your mind..."

I lean forward and kiss him on the lips. briefly."I'll let you know." I whispered, then turned back to the others. "Thing's started that night. I was in bed. I couldn't sleep. When i did get to sleep, i was woken by a sharp my...."I broke off and looked at Ste. He nodded his head with a look of pure hatred. Not for me. I knew that. I turned back to the others. " behind me, naked."

Bob shot up out of his chair and walked away, both hands in his hair. He was shaking. I got up and rushed towards him. I walked round him and looked in his face. There was tears on his face but he was very angry.

"I'll fucking kill him." He was whispering repeatedly. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. He put his arm's around me gently. He was still shaking with anger.

"Bob?" I said as i pulled back slightly and looked at his face. He looked back and stopped whispering. "Please don't be angry."

His face softened. He pulled me back into a hug. "I'm not angry with you. I could never be angry with you."

We stayed like that for a few minutes before Ray walked over and joined in, hugging both me and Bob. Gradually everyone else found space to join the hug.

After another ten minutes we broke apart and went to our original places at the table. I took a breath then carried on."It happened every night. No breaks. No exceptions. He even had me home schooled so there was no reason for me to leave the house. He made me clean and tidy the whole house every day and beat me when i did anything wrong. Even the smallest thing." I swallowed and looked down at Gerard's hand holding mine. "But i preferred the day's. The nights i hated. Every single night for seven years and two weeks." I looked back at my friend's. "On my eighteenth birthday, mum's solicitor came to the house. His name was Edward Fairchild. He got me out of there. Gavin couldn't legally keep me there. Ed switched jobs to become a detective. He's looked out for me ever since." I looked at Gerard again, then back to the others. "Ed helped me find caretakers for the family home. Then he helped me relocate to London. I was there three months before he was seen there. Ed helped me relocate again. Every time i found a good place to live, he was spotted there. Longest i stayed in any one place was six months. I thought I'd never last anywhere longer than that. I never trusted anyone until i met Ste and the Stone's."I looked at Ste. "I couldn't have coped here without your kindness."

Ste smiled. "It's been a pleasure."

"You asked me what he said. I know you meant Ed." Ste nodded in agreement. "He said it was time to go."

"No, Please." Deena said, tears threatening to drop again.

I smiled at her then looked back at the others."I told you this because i need to let you know how much you mean to me. I love each and everyone of you. Like family." I looked at Gerard."Not like family in your case,Gee." I turned back. "I told Ed I'm not going to run any more. I'm staying."

Everyone started cheering. I smiled then realized Gerard was just staring at me. I looked at him.

"Did you mean it?" He asked. I looked around at the others who were too distracted with dancing and cheering.

I looked back at Gerard. "About which bit?"

"About loving me in a different way?"



"Yes i do. I'm scared but yes i do. I love you, Gerard Arthur Way."

Gerard smiled. "Oh god."He said."I can't believe this. I thought I'd be the first to say it.I fucking love you too." He cupped my face in his hand's. "I love you, Dee Winters."

I pulled away and he frowned. "Seem as we are being honest." I said, holding his hand's. "My real name is Deanna Sinclair. I changed it for protection."

Gerard's face softened and he pulled me into his arms. "Well then, Deanna Sinclair or Dee Winters, or whatever your name is, I love you." He said then placed his lips on mine.

"Oh yeah." Shouted Bob."Go on, Gee." I flipped him off without stopping. Everyone laughed.

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