Pleased To Meet You

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Gerard's P.O.V

February 28th 11:30pm Australia.

I smiled as Dee popped up on the laptop screen. "Hey, baby...babies." I say with a smile.

She smiles back. "Hey, handsome. How's Australia?"

I groan. "Horrible without you."

She laughs. "You'll be home in two day's."

"I know. But I really miss you."

"I miss you too. The guy's are okay. But their not you."

I really do miss cuddling up to her. "What you been up to?"

"The whole gang came up to see me yesterday." She started with a smile. "Bob, Frank and Billie were winding eachother up. Then Bob and Billie locked Frank in the wardrobe because he asked if they were secretly dating."

I laughed. "Frank doesn't seem to know when to shut up."

"I noticed." Dee laughed. "Brendon and Jeremy have girlfriend's now. Brendons dating a girl called Emily Jackson and Jeremy is dating a girl called Sandy Heart. They are so happy. I'm pleased for them. Both girl's are brilliant."

I smiled. "That's brilliant."

"Amys dating Arnie. Oh and Arnie said Pete's getting a lot better. Thank god."

I force a smile. I have tried to forgive Pete. But he buried my wife a-fucking-live. That kind of thing is hard to forgive.

"Err, Gee?"

I snap out of my thoughts to see her frowning. "What's wrong, babe?"

"I...I think... it's time."

I frown. "For what, hon?"

"For us to..." She moves then looks away. Towards the door I think. "FRANK, GET YOUR ASS UP HERE, QUICK"

"Dee? What's wrong?"

She looks at me as Frank stops infront of her. "BOB, CALL THE AMBULANCE. SHE'S GOING INTO LABOUR."

My eye's widen. "What?"

She tries to smile but she's obviously in pain. Frank sits on the bed behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders. "You can do this, Dee." Frank mutters, rubbing her shoulders.


I'm excited and pissed off all at once. I'm excited to see our babies. But pissed off because I have two days left here. Fuck it. The fans will understand. "I'm getting the next flight back. I'll get a fucking jet if I have to. I'll be there, baby. Whatever it takes."

Bob walks in the room with two paramedics. They help Dee transfer to a ambulance chair. Then wheel her out of the room.

"We'll look after her till you get here." Frank said, smiling. "Hurry home."

Time lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Next day. 10:30am.

I rush into the hospital to see Frank waiting for me. "Take me to her." I said. No hello. I need to be with her.

Frank smiles. "You mean them?"

I stop walking and look at him. "I missed the birth." I knew I would. But as long as their all okay. Thats all that matters. I smile. "I'm a Dad."

Frank smiles. "Mikey filmed it for you. He won't let anyone see Dee or the babies till after you." He laughed. "He won't even let me." His face suddenly goes straight. "They nearly lost Dee. She flat lined."

My heart suddenly got tight. I nearly lost Dee? Oh god. No.

"She's okay. They had to give her a c-section. She's really tired. Mikey said she looks weak. But doctor said she is going to be okay."

I smile as I walk in the room. I walk straight to Dee. Mikeys right. She's does look weak.

"Hey, handsome." She says quietly.

I walk to her side and kiss her lips as I take her hand. "I hear you really made the doctors work."

She gives a week smile. "Had to. Bout time they earned the money. Babies weighed 4.7lb, 4.8lb and 4.9lb. Jets the smallest. Michael the biggest." She looks over to the other side of her where three cots stood in a row.

I walked over to look at them and I couldn't believe how perfect they were. Jet had a pink sleep suit with a G on it. The boys had blue one's on. I guess uncle Mikey had them made. I smiled down at them and touched Jets hand. Her tiny fingers curled round my thumb. My heart melted. "They're perfect." I said looking at a smiling Dee. "Just like their mum." I look back down at each baby in turn. "Pleased to meet you all."

A nurse walked in and smiled at me as she walked over to Dee to check the c-section stitches. "Your friends will have to meet them tomorrow. Mum and babies need rest. They've been through a lot."

I nod agreement as she walks over and stops by the cots. "Your brother wouldn't leave her side. He's a good man."

I smile. "Yeah. He is."

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Next day. 2:00pm.

The room was packed. Frank, Mikey, Ray and Bob had turned up. The doctors said they could only be in there for half an hour tops. Seem as it's a private room. Dee was holding Jet and I was holding the boys. I was sat next to her on the bed.

"We need to tell you something." Dee started with a smile.

"Your not pregnant already?" Frank said. Everyone laughed.

"No, Frank."Dee said when we all calmed down. "We've decided on middle names. Jet Deanna. After Ray and me. Arthur..." She looked at Bob. "....Robert after you."

Bob smiled. "Thank you."

Dee looked at Frank. "Michael Anthony after you."

Franks face lit up. "Thank you. I don't know what to say."

"That's a first." Bob said. We all laughed again. Typical Bob.

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