Do You Miss Me? Cause I Miss You

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Dee's P.O.V

The next morning I woke to the doorbell ringing. I looked over at Gerard. He didn't wake up. He could sleep through a earthquake. I lean over and kiss him lightly on the lips. He doesn't even stir. I smile then get up and dressed quickly, then run down to answer the door. I open it to see a bunch of people. Jeremy Mckinnon, Brendon Urie, Mark Hoppus, Chester Bennington, Vic Fuentes, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Amy Lee, Hayley Williams, Taylor Jardine, Billie Joe Armstrong, Frank Wright a.k.a Trè Cool, Mike Dirnt, the Stones, Ed, Dad, Helena, Ray, Frank, Bob and Mikey. My jaw dropped. "What's happening?"

Jeremy smiled. "Ste said there's a party here to celebrate your pregnancy and your marriage." He grinned. "You know how I love to party."

I looked at Ste. "Did Gerard arrange this?"

Ste shook his head."Nope. Let us in."

I shook my head in disbelief and opened the door wider. They all walked in, giving me a kiss on the cheek as they did. The lounge was packed. I thought Gerard would have been down after the music blared out. A mix of all my favourite bands like A Day To Remember, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, We Are The In Crowd, Fall Out Boy, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce The Veil, Blink 182 and of course Green Day and MCR ( including their solo's). Strange how I seem to make friends with mainly the singers from all of my favourite bands. I can't help it if they happen to be the coolest out of each band.

"So when's Gerard going to join us?" Brendon asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You know if I was married to you, I wouldn't leave your side for a second."

"Hey." Billie walked over and made out to glare at Brandon. "Hands off my girl."

"Actually, you will find she's mine." Oli but in.

"Well I'm claiming her." Mark added. "So back off."

"Well I'm bigger than you all."Jeremy stated. "And we all know she's mine."

Oh great. I've got a room full of people that like to pretend to flirt with me. Nutters. The lot of them. I know none of them are really interested in that way. Thank god. But they loved messing about like this. So I slipped out and headed up stairs to see if Gerard was up yet.

I walked up the stairs and headed towards my room. I stopped outside when I heard a woman's voice come from my room.

"Gee, baby." She sighed. "Oh baby. I've missed you so much."

"How did you know where to find me?" Gerard asked.

"Your neighbours told me you'd moved. They gave me this address. God I've missed you."

I heard rustling so I opened the door and gasped at the sight. It was Lyn-z, naked, on my bed with Gerard, still naked. They both were looking at me. Gerard looked horrified. Lyn-z looked shocked.

"Who is this, Gee, baby?" She asked not taking her eyes from me.

"I'm his fucking wife." I snap then turn and head back down stairs. I hear Gerard calling me. But I ignore him. I head back to the party. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset. God I wish I could get off my head right now. But I've never taken drugs and I don't drink much. Even if I did, I refuse to do any while I'm pregnant.

I head towards Amy Lee. We'd hit it off since she came to do a interview at the mag. Infact that's how I'd met all these lot. But me and Amy became really good friends.

"You okay, Dee?" She asked, her beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

I smiled at her. "I'm fine."

She frowns. "You sure?"

I laugh. "I'm fine." I repeat. "It's just I haven't seen you in a while. Do you miss me? Cause I miss you. I miss our chats."

She smiles. "So do I."

We keep talking about the things we used to do when I see Gerard walk in the room, eyes searching for me. Lyn-z walks in behind him. He spots me and heads towards me but is stopped by Billie and Frank. Lyn-z heads towards me but Mikey, Bob and Ray stop her to chat. They both keep glancing at me as they chat.

"It's so good that Marcus is your Dad." Amy says as she passes me a glass of water. "He's such a great guy."

I smile. "He's the best." I laugh as Pete walks over and tickles me. Well tries to. I'm not ticklish on my sides. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Tickling you." He pouts at me. "No fair. Your not ticklish."

I shake my head. "No, I'm not." I hug him and rest my right cheek on his shoulder. He hugs back."Hows you?"

"You ok?" He asks.

I pull away and look at him. He's frowning. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"I asked her earlier." Amy told him. Great. Now they're both frowning at me. "Stop frowning at me." I snap. I'm getting really annoyed now.

The music stops as everyone stares at me. "What?" I asked, looking at my friends.

Jeremy walks towards me. "Are you okay, hon?"

I look around the room. As my eyes pass Gerard and Lyn-z I get really angry. I look back at Jeremy. He stops walking, surprised. "How would you fucking feel if you caught your partner naked in your bed with his ex?" All eyes turned to Gerard. I walked towards the door.

"Dee..." Gerard grabbed my arm.

I turned to glare at him. "Fuck off." I say, then yank my arm free and walk into the kitchen. I open the back door, walk out to the garden swing and sit down. Tears stream down my face as I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my arms on them. Then I put my forehead on my arms and close my eyes.I can't hold the sobs any more. Why would he do this to me? I thought he was happy. I guess I was just a distraction till Lyn-z left the guy she was with.

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