I Can't Stop Now Because I'm Dancing

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Dee's P.O.V

I wrap my left arm round Gerard's waist. He starts to rub my left shoulder, gently. I can hear his heart beating pretty fast in my right ear. The dark blue suit and white shirt with a black tie look so good on him. He smell's so nice. I don't know what scent it is though. He brings his right arm round to rest on his right thigh. I haven't felt this safe in twenty eight years. I wish i could stay like this forever. I groan as i remember what i was supposed to be doing tonight. I look up towards the stage and see Sues giving me a small smile. I sit up and look at Gerard. I lean in and lightly kiss his lips. "I have to do something." I whisper into his ear. "I will be as fast as i can. I promise." He nods as i get up and head towards Sues on the stage. I frown at her.

"Not my fault." She laughs.I shake my head. "I can never catch a break." I plaster a smile on my face and grab the mic. The room goes silent for about a minute before all eyes are on me. The regulars cheer. "Settle down." I laugh as Ste wolf whistles and the crowd laugh at him. "You do realize your wife is right behind you?" I ask, laughing as he runs fast towards the bar, a laughing Geena chasing him. I shake my head as the crowd turn their attention back to me. "I was hoping to avoid this tonight..." I start only to have a chorus of boo's from the crowd.I put my hand's up to quieten them. "But...."I start. They go silent."I promised and i try never to break a promise." More cheering.

I look behind me at Sam as he walks on stage and grabs the other mic. "Shout louder if you wanna hear 'Bring...Me...To...Life'"

The crowd cheer.

"Louder."I shout.

They scream louder. Sam and i nod to Sues then look out to the crowd who go quiet as the music starts.

No backing out now. I just want to go back to Gerard but i can't stop now. So i start the all too familiar dance moves. I can never do Evanescence justice. But the regulars loved us.

Gerard's P.O.V

I sit forward on the sofa as Dee starts to sing.Frank never said she could sing. She is amazing. I thank Ste as he puts a glass of cola on the small coffee table in front of me. My eyes don't leave Dee as she hit's each note perfectly.

Dee's P.O.V

I concentrate on the lyrics but i can feel Gerard's eyes on me. I can do this.

The song end's and i take a long breath. The crowd cheers. "Thank you." I shout. I look back at Sues for the next song then turn back and take the mic off it's stand. "Thank you." I say again as Sam leaves the stage taking my mic stand and his mic and stand.

The crowd quietens down a little. "Are you ready for a little Rhianna?" I ask. Cheers. I nod to Sues. Then sneak a quick look at Gerard. The light's are too bright to see him though. So i give in and get into the next song, 'Disturbia'.

By the time I've finished the next five song's, I'm sweating and a little tired. I smile at the crowd as they cheer yet again. "Thank you so much. Thank you." I say as they calm down. "I hope you enjoyed the entertainment tonight." Another cheer along with a chorus of on-chore's. I groan inwardly. I should have known i wouldn't get away that easy. I throw my hand's up in surrender. "Okay, okay. But only one more." I look at Ste as he walks on stage with a mic in his hand. I turn back to the crowd. They get quieter. "Let's slow the pace a little with a song by Jordan and Chris Brown." I smile. "No Air." The music starts..

Gerard's P.O.V

"BAAAABBBYYYY." Dee shouts.

Wow that was a hard note to hit. But just like the rest of the song's tonight, she nailed it.

Maybe i should ask her to collaborate with me on a few song's? I think I'll ask later. It's funny how she loses herself on stage. just like me.

Dee's P.O.V

I pause to catch my breath as the crowd cheer. I wait for them to quieten down. I put the mic to my mouth when the room goes quiet. "You flatter me." I laugh. "Thank you for being the great people i know you all are." I pause. "You know I've only run this place for about six months and i have my regulars. Night after night i see each and everyone of you making this place worth the effort." The crowd cheers again. "For the last hour all drink's are on me." The crowd cheer louder. "I love you guys. So long and Goodnight." I bow. I stand up straight as the stage lights go down and pass the mic to Sues. She grins.

"What?"I ask frowning.

"So...err...you and Gerard...?"She says.

"What about us?"

"Are you two like a item now?"

"I think they are, babes." Sam adds as he walks over to us with Ste and Geena following behind.

" I'd have to agree." Ste says, grinning.

"It's so obvious." Geena joins in.

My jaw drop's as I look at them all. "What is this? Gang up on Dee day?"

"Admit it." Ste says. "You love the guy."

The others laugh. "Okay. That's enough."

"When's the wedding?" Sam asks.

"Are we invited?" Ste adds.

"You guys have about five seconds to run." I state. The twins laugh then break into a run, jumping off the stage at speed. I take off after them. I can hear their laughs over the crowd.

Gerard's P.O.V

I laugh as i watch Dee chase the twins towards the mens room. They are probably winding her up again. I smile at Geena and Sues as they walk towards me.

"They will never learn."Sues says shaking her head.

"And they will never win."Geena laughs.

"What did they do?"I ask.

"Wind her up about you." Geena said.

"Yeah. Dee doesn't like nosy people." Sues laughs.

"What exactly did they say?"

Geena shakes her head. "You'd have to ask Dee that."

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