A Million Reasons

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Dee's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Christmas day

I smile as Gerard lays his head on my stomach to talk to the babies.

"Hello little ones." He says, rubbing my stomach. "This is your Daddy speaking. Just wanted to check in. So your Mummy and me can't wait to meet you. I've painted Mummy and me on your bedroom wall. Hope you like it. I wanted to actually warn you about Mummy's bad moods." I punch his shoulder. "Ouch. Anyway Mummy can get really moody if you interrupt her when shes working. She also gets moody if Daddy doesn't give her a back rub. She also has a go at Daddy when he leaves the toilet seat up. So remember that for future reference. Mummy may be a moody martian..."

I punch his arm again and he laughs.

"...But there's a million reasons why she's the best Mummy you could ever wish for. I'm gonna go now so I can make out with Mummy..."

I laugh. He's so sweet. And crazy.

"....So happy Christmas, kiddies. Remember that Mummy and Daddy love you." He kisses my stomach in three different places then moves up on the couch to pull me into a hug. "Man your hot." He says against my lips. "I'm so happy."

I smile at him. "Your not bad yourself. Although you are a little insane."

He looked at my face and faked hurt. "I'm not a little insane."

"Your right. Your completely insane."

He smiles. "Now that's more like it. And don't you forget it." He kissed my lips, gently, running his tongue over my lips. I opened my mouth to allow him access. Then the doorbell rang. Gerard groaned. "Sometimes I wish you weren't so popular."

I laughed. "We. They're your friends too."

He smiled then went to open the door.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Two hours later.

I looked round the large dining table. Everyone was here. I was at the head of the table. On my right was Frank then Jamia, Ray, Christa, Bob, Kaitlyn, Amy, Billie, Brendon, Chester, Mark, Trè, Mike, Hayley, Taylor, JJ, MC, Jeremy, Oli, Petrick, Pete, Vic, Alicia, Mikey next to Gerard and Gerard on my left. The table had to be long to fit all twenty six of us. It's a good job I have a room big enough. Before us was a Christmas banquet.

"Thanks for coming guys." I say loud enough for Mike at the other end of the table to hear. "Gerard and I are pleased to see you. Happy Christmas." They all repeated the greeting. "Tuck in." I excuse myself to go to the children's table by the large windows. Kneeling down beside it to talk to the four children there.

"Hey kiddy winks. How you doing?"

Lily or was it Cherry? Smiled. "'Lo Auntie Dee." She said. The other twin smiled. "We're okay. Can we have juice, please?"

I smile at them. "Of course you can." I look at the boys. Miles, Franks two year old, smiled. "Juice?" I asked him. He nodded a yes. So did Ray's boy, Bauer. Then Miles put his arms out to be picked up. I smile as I lift him into my arms. "You are so cute." I tell him as I kiss his nose. He giggles as I put him back in his seat. I look back at the girls as I stand up. "Be back in a sec."

I head off into the kitchen. I fill up four plastic beakers with juice and put them on a tray. As I lift the tray I get a pain in my stomach. I drop the tray and the drinks spill out across the kitchen floor. I hold my stomach, panic setting in. "GERARD." The pain is pretty bad now.

Gerard walks into the kitchen and rushes to my side. "What's wrong, baby?" He asks with concern as he puts a arm round my waist.

"It hurts. I think we need to call Dr Carter."

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