With All The Lies In The Book

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Dee's P.O.V

The party was going well. Everyone had managed to talk Gerard into singing. So mcr were singing out in my garden. But where was I? Sat in my lounge on my sofa because the loud noise and my back was killing me. Gerard had asked if I wanted him to join me. But I told him he'd get mobbed if he followed me.

I look up as a very drunk Jeremy walked in and dropped onto the couch next to me. He smiled at me as I turned to look at him. "Enjoying your party?"

"Y..hic...yep." He managed to say.

"I'm glad."



"Ya..ya know...hic...I ..love you, right...hic."

I smile again, trying not to laugh at his drunken state. "Course I know."

"N..no..hic." He leans a little closer. "I..I...hic...love...love...y..you. hic. S...so...hic...does Oli and...hic... Brenda...hic...I m...mean..Brendon...hic."

I shake my head. "You've lost me."

"We...hic...m...made a pact...hic. We've...hic told all the...hic...lies in the book...hic...to keep it...hic...secret."

I shake my head again. Was he really saying that him, Brendon and Oli were actually in love with me? Or was it the drink talking? The drink. It has to be. "Lay down and sleep it off. Your talking weird."

Jeremy leaned closer and kissed me? What? I pulled back. "Jeremy?"

Jeremy suddenly sobered up fast, obviously realising what he'd done. "Oh fuck." He said standing up. "Oh god. I've broke the pact." He ran his fingers through his hair. He looked at me really sad. "I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I'm sorry. I won't be back. I'm sorry."

I got up as he bolted out the front door. "JEREMY." I shouted. But he'd gone. I dropped to my knees and put my head in my hands. He's gone. My friend has gone. I began to cry.

Oli's P.O.V

I laughed at Brendon as he fell in the pool, fully clothed. Gerard grinned as Brendin cursed him for pushing him in.

"Ass hole." He shouted.

"Shouldn't have tryed to push me in then should ya." Gerard said between laughs.

I looked around and noticed Dee and Jeremy were missing. I hope to god he hasn't broke our pact. I head inside. The front door is open and Dee is knelt on the floor crying. I rush to her side and kneel on the floor in front of her."What's happened, Dee?"

She stops crying slightly and looks at me. "Why couldn't you just be honest with me?" She said quietly. "You, Brendon and Jeremy? Why?" She stood up and stared down at me. "Now because of that fucking pact I've lost three of my best friends. It's not enough that I lost the Stones, Helena, my Dad and my brother. But now I have to lose you three too? Am I right? Does the pact mean I lose you all now I know? Your all going to abandon me now?" She was screaming at me now. The back door opened and everyone piled in. Gerard rushed to Dee's side and tried to pull her into his arms. She pushed him away and turned on Brendon as he walked in. "You too then? You going too? Now that I know, you can leave can't you? Just like everyone else."

I suddenly realised that this wasn't just about us. She lost her mum when she needed her most. Then the Stones, Helena, her Dad and Ed. Now our pact meant we had to go too. Now that she knew.

"Well go on then." She snapped at us. "Just go. Get out."

"Dee..." I started as I stood up. She turned on me as Brendon stopped by my side.

"Don't bother."She snapped.

Amy walked forward. "So who exactly broke your pathetic pact."

Dee turned and looked at Amy. She was angry. "You knew and you didn't say anything?"

Amy turned to look at her as Gerard tried to pull Dee into his arms again. Frank walked forward. He looked pissed off. "What the fuck have you lot done to Dee?"

I closed my eyes briefly. I looked straight at Gerard. He looked back, confused. "We made a pact." I started. "Me, Brendon and Jeremy. We said that we would leave and never see Dee again if she ever found out. So we couldn't ever hurt her."

Gerard frowned. "Found out what?"

"That we are in love with her."

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