To Join The Black Parade- Halloween Special

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Gerard's P.O.V

I reached across to wrap my arm round Dee. But all I find is...paper? My eyes flick open and I sit up grabbing the piece of paper. I rub my eyes then look down at the words.

Hey sexy,

Sorry I'm not there to see you wake up. Had to go to the club. Decorating for Halloween.

Thanks for the meal last night. But next time don't let Frank cook. Burnt food doesn't taste good.

Do me a favor, babe. Ask the guys to put on their 'Black Parade' outfits. You too. I will explain when you meet me at the club at six. Oh and I forgot to tell you because of everything thats happened,

It's my birthday today. Yes I share a birthday with little Frank. Aren't I blessed?

I love you, handsome,

Dee + The Bump.


I smiled. She was right about the food. A burnt bolognese tastes horrible. Frank nearly burnt the kitchen down. I wish I'd known about her birthday though. How come the Stones never said anything? They had to know, didn't they? Even if they didn't, Ed would have known. Why didn't he tell us? I shrug it off and grab the phone. I put it on group call then press it on loud speaker. I get dressed as it rings.

Bob: "Hey, Gee. What's up?"

Mikey: "Hey guys."

Ray: "Hello?"

Frank: "Happy Halloween."

I laugh. Every Halloween is the same. It's Franks favourite time of year. His birthday being on the same day was a bonus to him. I greet them then read them the note.

Frank: "Hey. I'm not that bad a cook and I'm not that little either."

Of course we all laugh.

Bob: "Her birthday eh? So what's the plan?"

Me: "I'm heading to the jewellery shop. I'm gonna get her that necklace I saw the other day."

Mikey:"The one with the small heart, silver with a little pattern and the word love engraved on it?"


Ray:"Sound's perfect. But wouldn't you rather buy her a ring and propose to her?"

Me:"I'm not ready for that yet. Too soon."

Ray:"Pity. So why the parade outfits anyway?"

We talk for another half an hour then hang up.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>


We walk into the club together. Our jaws drop open. It's like stepping back onto the set of 'Welcome to the Black Parade' except there were way more Gerards, Rays, Bobs, Franks and Mikeys. I suddenly realised Dee was singing 'Teenagers' on stage. I smile as we head for Dees seating area. We sit down and watch her sing.

Dee's P.O.V

"...So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose...." I sang as I see the guys enter out the corner of my eye. They look very surprised and impressed. Good. Just what I wanted. ".....Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me." I finish. The crowd cheers as a take the mic off it's stand and take a breath. Time for the speech.

"Hello 'My Romance' and 'Welcome to the Black Parade." The crowd cheers louder as I turn to give Sues a quick look behind me. She smiles. I turn back."I apologise that I'm nowhere near as good as the great Gerard Way himself."

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