I'm Not Okay.

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Dee's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Four days later.

Gerard is in the UK right now. He's there on tour for a few days. He did ask me to go with him. But I can't face it yet. So I'm alone for now. God I miss him already. He only went yesterday. He gave me a beautiful heart necklace before he went. He said he'd bought it for my birthday, but forgot about it after all the things that happened. He's such a sweetheart. He called me as soon as he landed. He said he'd call today too. He's due to call now actually.

I sigh as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. A shiver runs down my back so I turn to look behind me. There's no one in the garden. Then my phone rings. I look at the screen. Gerard. I smile then press accept.

Me: "Hey, baby."

Gerard: "Hey, sweetheart. How are you?"

I frown.

Me: "I'm not sure. I'm not okay."

Gerard: "Why? What's wrong?" He sound's worried.

Me: "I'm not sure. I just feel like I'm being watched. It's just probably paranoia."

Gerard: "Get someone to stay there until I get back. Like Ed or your dad."

Me: "I suppose that would be a good idea. I could have a three day party. Get pissed and throw up everywhere."

Gerard: "(Laughs) As if you would. You aren't like that."

I hear a noise out in the back garden.

Me: "Hang on, baby."

I grab the house phone and put my mobile on loudspeaker by the house phone cradle. I dial Ed. Engaged. I group call Oli, Billie, Jeremy and Amy. They all pick up within two rings.

Oli: "Hey, Dee."

Gerard:"Dee? What's happening? Who's that?"

Me: "I group called Oli, Billie, Jeremy and Amy. Can you all hear me?"

They all, including Gerard, say yes.

Me: "I've just been telling Gee that I feel like I'm being watched.

Oli: "What? You sure..."

Me: "Hang on. Look I...heard something out..."

Another noise out back.

Gerard: "Dee?"

Me: "I heard it again. Someone's out back. Could you come over, guys? Maybe stay till Gee gets back, please?"

Oli: "Already out the door. I'll be there in ten minutes."

Amy: "Try stopping me. Give me half an hour. Meanwhile, stay on the phone with Gerard."

Billie: "I'll grab a bag now. Should be there in about twenty minutes."

Jeremy: "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Everyone except Gerard hung up.

Gerard: "I feel better knowing Oli's gonna be there. He scared the shit out of me the other day."

I laugh.

Me:"Oli's soft deep down. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

Gerard: "He threatened to beat me to a pulp if I hurt you."

I laugh again.

Gerard: "Look, I trust those guys but would you mind if I asked Ray, Bob, Mikey and Frank to stay with you, too? I just think the more the merrier and I know those guys. They know my number incase anything happens. "

Me: "You shouldn't worry so much. But if it makes you feel better then go for it."

Gerard: "I will never stop worrying about you."

There's a knock at the door. I frown.

Me: "It's not been ten minutes has it?"

Gerard: "No. Why?"

Me: "Someone knocked on the door."

The bell rings in patiently. Then I hear Oli shout. "Dee?"

I sigh in releif as I head for the door.

Me: "It's Oli."

Gerard: "(Sighs ) Thank fuck for that."

I open the door and Oli looks knackered. I open the door wider for him. He drops a bag by the door and looks at me as I close the door.

Me: "I think he ran here."

Gerard laughs. Then someone shouts him.

Me: "I'm okay now. So if you need to go, that's fine."

Gerard: "You sure, babe? If you want me to come home, I will."

Me: "That's sweet. But you can't let your fans down. Besides I have a army looking after me tonight."

Gerard: "Okay. But if you change your mind..."

Me: "I won't. Now go."

Gerard: "Okay. But I mean it..."

Me: "(Laugh) I'm okay. Go."

Gerard: "Okay. I love you, baby and I really miss you."

Me: "I miss you too. I love you, sweetheart. Bye."

Gerard: "Bye, sweetie."

He finally hangs up.

"So where did the noise come from?" Oli asked.

"Out back but you wait till Jeremy gets here. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Oli shakes his head. "I'm a big boy now, you know."

"I know but please wait." I plead. "There's safety in numbers. That's why I asked all of you here instead of just one of you."

He throws his hands up in defeat."Fine."

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