The Ending Of Your Life

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

One week later.

I watched as the church filled out. I felt numb as Mikey tried to comfort me. I stared forward at the black coffin. My life is going to be so different without her. How are we going to cope? I stand up, pushing Mikey away. I slowly walk towards the coffin. I just need to see her one more time. I just need to see her beautiful eyes one more time. Her perfect face one more time. I'm not sure how long I can go on without her. She is my world, my life, my heart, my soul. She is the only woman I will ever love. Tears begin to fall as I get closer. The pain in my chest becoming unbearable the closer I get. I remember the last time I saw her. Hugging the triplets at the bottom of the stairs. But it always changes to her lifeless body, laying on the floor. I get closer and see her pale face. Her hair surrounding her head like a halo. Black roses in her hands. So perfect. So peaceful.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive without you, Dee." I whisper to her. "You were my life. I miss you so much." I drop to my knees and close my eyes. Someone grabs my shoulders and starts to shake me.

"Gerard?" Someone says. "Gerard, please talk to me."

I open my eyes. Dee smiles down at me. "Did you have another nightmare, sweetheart?"

I smile and pull her down for a kiss. "Yes, baby." I say as I hug her tight. "I keep seeing your funeral. It's fucking awful. I don't ever want to lose you."

She moves to look in my face "You won't. I'm not going anywhere."

A thought comes to me. "I don't want to be away from you ever again, baby." I state. "Come with me on my tours, please?"

She strokes the back of her fingers down my cheek. "Do you think that will stop the nightmares?"

"Yes. Because I will have you with me."

"What about the triplets?"

"They can come too."

She places a brief kiss on my lips. "How will that work?"

"We'll hire a bigger tour bus and hire someone to help with the kids." I argue.

"How about we go on tour with you and you help out at the mag when your not on tour?"

"Deal." I said with a smile.


Did I upset you for a bit? Did you really think I'd kill Dee off?xxx

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