We're Taking Back Control

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Bob's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what i heard tonight. Dee went through so much. Yet she still carried on. I want to track that bastard down and kill him. How dare he hurt her? I love that woman. As a sister i mean. I remember how we first met. Frank had called me on the phone about seven months ago.


I was sat in a doctors waiting room. Just a regular check up. When my phone started playing 'War Pigs' by Black Sabbath. I got funny look's from the other patients waiting, so i answered quickly.

Me: "Hey, Frank. What's up?"

Frank: "Hey, Bob. What you doing tonight from bout eight?"

Me: "Sleeping. Why?"

Frank:"Not now your not. Your coming to a night club with me and Ray."

Me:"Does Ray even know?"

Frank:"Not yet. So you coming or what?"

Me: Laugh. "Whatever. Which club and why?"

Frank:"'My Romance.' I want you to meet a friend."

Me: "Who is he?"

Frank: "She. She's called Dee Winters. She owns 'Music Biz'"

Me: "Okay. Meet you there."

Frank: "Just tell the door men your there to see Dee. Give them your name. They will be expecting you."

Me:"Right. See you there then."

Frank: "Later. Bye."

Frank hung up. I sighed. What's so good about this lass? I guess I'll find out tonight then.

I arrived outside the club a minute late. I took Frank's direction's and told the door man my name and why i was there. He led me in and over to a sofa by the stage. Frank, Ray and a stunning Dark haired girl were sat on the sofa in deep conversation. Frank jumped up as soon as he saw me.

"Sit down on that chair there." He said gesturing to the matching chair. The girl, Dee, watched as i sat down. "This is Dee." Frank said as he sat down nearest to me on the sofa.

Dee smiled from her position between Frank and Ray. "Hey." She said.

Frank looked at Dee and gestured to me "This is big Bob." He told her.

"Hey." I said back.

"Nice to meet you, Bob." Dee said genuinely. "I'm a big fan of MCR. Just so your aware. But i promise not to go all fan girl on ya."

I laughed. "Thanks."

"Dee owns this place and several others."Frank told me and Ray.

My eyebrows rose. "Oh? So what places do you own?"

Dee cringed. "I'll tell you if you promise not to laugh."

I grinned and made a cross above my heart. "Cross my heart."

Ray smiled. "We won't."

"Okay." She said with a little smirk. "I own two coffee shops called 'Pumpkin Pie' and 'Pancake Report', six nightclubs called 'Jet Star', 'Chemical Love', 'Pink Lola', 'Slaughtermatic', 'Desolation Lovers' and of course 'My Romance'. I also own a clothing store called 'The Parade'. Oh and 'Music Biz' magazine."

My jaw dropped open.

"Do i sense a MCR theme with the name's here?" Ray asked.

Dee smiled. "How'd you guess?"

"So what's so good about us that you have to name all your businesses after us?"Ray asked.

"Your kidding me, right?"

I laughed at the expression on her face. "I think Ray wants to know what you think of the members as individuals."

Dee smiled. "That's a better question."

Frank joined in. "Well?"

Dee looked at him and shook her finger at him. "Patience little man." I like this lass already.

"Less of the little." Frank mumbled.

Dee grinned. "So I think Mikey Way is cute. Frank is hilarious. Ray is awesome. You are brilliant and Gerard is....perfect."

We all grinned. "So explain each one for us." Ray said.

Dee sighed. "Maybe i should have said awful for you."

Ray laughed.

"Come on, Dee." Frank pleaded.

Dee sighed louder. "Fine." She looked at Frank. "You are hilarious because of your over energetic guitar skills and your general attitude."

Frank whooped at that.

She looked at Ray next. "You are awesome because you are a all round nice guy and a genius."

"I like that." Ray said smiling.

My turn to have Dee look at me."You are brilliant because awesome was taken. You are a genius and a general nice guy like Ray."

I smile. "Thanks."

"What about Mikey?" Ray asked.

Dee looked back at Ray. "I don't think that takes much explaining. Mikey is so adorably cute. You just want to hug him all the time."

"And Gerard?" Frank asked with a grin.

Dee looked back at him with a really red face. "Oh...err...Gerard is perfect because...well because....err...He just is. Okay?" She blushed and we all laughed.

"You fancy Gerard just like all the fans do."Frank laughed.

"I don't know him." Dee said quickly.

"You love his looks and his voice."

Dee shook her head."I'm not shallow." She objected. "I actually like his speaking voice in interviews. I think it's cute how he talks lop sided. He's a genuinely nice person. He care's about people. His singing voice and his looks are just a bonus." Dee blushed as she realized we were all grinning at her.

"Dee's in love with Gerard." Frank chanted. Then ran off with Dee in tow.


Ever since then we'd met up now and then for coffee or just to hang out. We'd grown really close.

Ray's P.O.V

How could anyone do that to such a lovely person. I hope i get to see this guy. I'll chop his fucking nuts off. The fucking disgusting....You get the picture. Thank god for Ed. I intend finding that guy so i can thank him for saving our Dee.

It's amazing how much she's achieved in only ten months. After three months she already had two coffee shops, six night clubs, a clothes store and a magazine. I'd asked her how she managed that in such a short time.

"I told Ed i wanted to buy a few businesses to keep me preoccupied. He gave me a folder of some places that wanted to be bought out. Places that were already trading and had staff. I bought them and kept the staff on. We're all friend's now. As for the mag. I asked the Stone's if they would be willing to help me start a magazine. They agreed. You know the rest."

She's a smart one. Since then she owns a hotel aswell. Amazing. I don't think i know anyone who could be so strong after what happened to her. I really admire her. She's taken back control of her life. I love that girl.

It's Not Love If It's Just FuckingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt