Well, I've Got Something To Say

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Gerard's P.O.V

Dee went to view the body about an hour ago. J.J had drove her. She said she had to do it alone. She asked me to get everyone together so I wasn't worrying about her. So here I am in Dee's...our lounge with the Stones, Marcus, Helena and the mcr guys. We were all sat on the sofas in silence. Worried what Dee will say when she gets back. I guess her plan to have everyone round to stop me worrying about her backfired.

"Ed said he's conducting the viewing." Marcus stated. "He'll look after her."

I smiled at him. "I know he will. It's just she's been through so much over the past four months. She needs something good to happen for once."

Helena smiled at me. "Something good has happened to her."

I look at her smiling face and frowned. "What?"

"You, Gerard. I've never seen her as happy as when she's with you."

Marcus spoke up."I've known Dee since she was born." He said. "Helenas right. She's NEVER been as happy. Even when she was with her mum, she was withdrawn. She never had friends because she didn't want to hurt anyone."

I frowned at Marcus. "How would she hurt them?"

He sighed."After Gillian, her mum, got them away from her dad....sorry, Gavin, she was always a little paranoid and Dee felt that. It rubbed off on her. She was scared if she got close to anyone, they would somehow end up dead. Gillian was always saying how they had to stay alone so they weren't killed. Dee thought it was the general public she had to stay clear of. So she avoided people. Of course she went to school. But whenever she took a liking to another kid, she would do something to put them off so they would be safe." He sighed again. "It took a lot for Ed to get her out of that."

"How did he?" I asked. Poor Dee had it worse than any of us knew.

"He sat in our home and had a long chat with her. He told her that the only person who wanted to kill her was Gavin." I can hear the venom in his voice every time he mentioned Gavin. "He said that Gavin was crazy. Ed told her that he didn't want her friends. Dee's always been a smart girl so she worked it out for herself." He suddenly flashed a very large smile. "I'm so proud to call her MY daughter. I've always loved that girl."

I smiled back at him. "I totally agree with you. She's the best thing to ever happen to me."

"I'm glad she has you. Your a nice guy."

"Um, thanks."

After that, we all sat in silence for a while. Then the front door opened and Dee walked in. We all stood up and watched as she stood in the doorway. She was looking at me.

"It was him." She muttered. "It was Gavin. I'm finally free of him."

I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms round her waist. She put her hands on my chest and reached up to place a light kiss on my lips. Then she looked in my eyes.

"So it was just a mistake when they spotted him outside 'Pancake Report'?" Helena asked.

Dee turned towards her, resting the side of her head on my chest. "Yes. Apparently Gavin died instantly when he hit the rocks. His body washed up a few days ago. So now I'm free."

I kissed the top of her head as the room erupted in a chorus of cheers.

She looked back up into my face. "I love you, Gee." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "More than you know."

"I love you too, sweetheart. "

Dee's P.O.V

Just as I placed my lips on Gerards, my phone rang. I look at the caller id. It's Pete.

Me: "Hey, Pete. What's up?"

Pete: "Your needed at the club and ...well, I've got something to say."

Me: "What about?"

Pete: "Not over the phone. But it's important. Please?"

Me:"(Sigh) Fine. I'll be there in about half an hour."

I look at Gerard apologetically. "Sorry, babe. Duty calls." I kiss him then move away. "Come join me in a bit?" I look at the others. "All of you?" Everyone nods in agreement.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

I walk into 'My Romance' to see just Pete sat on the steps to the stage. He jumps up when he sees me and gestures to the sofa.

"What's up?" I ask as I sit down. He sits next to me. A bit too close so I move to look at him. He grabs me and tries to kiss me. I pull away. "What the fuck are you doing." I snap.

"I love you, Dee. I always have." He says reaching for me again.

"No, Pete. I'm with Gerard. I love Gee."

That only makes him angry and he rips my t-shirt so I slap him. He punches me and I fall off the sofa to the floor. I turn onto my bum and try to scramble backwards but hit the wall. I close my eyes, put my hands over my ears, my knees to my chest and scream as loud as I can.

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